Ben tosses it to Wyatt, but it drops on the floor and a crack forms in the surface. Home / Series / Secrets of Sulphur Springs / Aired Order / Edit; Edit Translations; Delete Delete; Bulk Editor; Season 1 franais General. He opens Wyatts hat and finds the blue stone. Disney surprised Secrets of Sulphur Springs fans by premiering the entire second season today on Disney+ and DisneyNow. How'd La, Will Young Sheldon Follow Big Bang's Lead With New Baby? But Curran is willing to give fans a taste in advance of the season closer. Harper says that Elijah just wants the farm to stay in their family and Judge Walker says thats what he wants too, handing her the paperwork for the deed transfer. She tells Griffin and Savannah that when she arrived to 1962 she was adopted by an awesome familyshe finally has a family. You DO NOT want to miss it. @-moz-document url-prefix(){:invalid{box-shadow:none}:-moz-submit-invalid,:-moz-ui-invalid{box-shadow:none}}@keyframes kYZz2Z{0%{animation-timing-function:ease-out;transform:rotate(180deg)}45%{transform:rotate(198deg)}55%{transform:rotate(234deg)}to{transform:rotate(540deg)}}@keyframes wlf4P4{to{opacity:1;transform:rotate(115deg)}}.bkIuWA.xXaCpo{--display:flex;align-items:center;display:var(--display);justify-content:center}.d1WWt1{animation:kYZz2Z 1s linear infinite;height:72px;margin-left:-18px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;transform-origin:100% 50%;width:36px}.d1WWt1:after,.d1WWt1:before{animation:wlf4P4 .5s linear infinite alternate;border:3px solid currentColor;border-color:currentColor transparent transparent currentColor;border-radius:50%;bottom:0;content:"";left:0;position:absolute;right:-100%;top:0;transform:rotate(-45deg)}.d1WWt1:before{color:#7fccf7}.d1WWt1:after{color:#3899ec;opacity:0} The charisma this cast has with the super fun story line, The Secrets of Sulphur Springs is a truly binge-worthy family show that . She bumps into Ben, who seems to recognize her, but doesnt believe what hes seeing. In 1960, Savannahs mother is looking for her and she asks Sam to help. Created by writer Tracey Thomson who also serves as a co-executive producer with Charles Pratt Jr. and set in the fictional Louisiana town of Sulphur Springs, the series was renewed for a third season on February 7, 2022 and is set to air on . Ben and Sarah hear noises in the woods and go investigate, finding a couple playing in the springs, which have mysteriously returned. Harper and Griffen race upstairs and Wyatt, Zoey, and Topher are staring at it too. In one of the first episodes us parents got some awesome blast from the past moments we were all so excited about. They head down into the bunker. Secrets of Sulphur Springs is a live-action, time-travel mystery series for kids ages 6-11 and their families. She suddenly sees flashes of red, just like a nightmare she had in a previous episode. season finale. When she touches the papers, she has another fiery vision, believing it to mean that if Elijah doesnt sell the land, Judge Walker will burn down the house. As they leave the room, mist oozes out of the closet door. The camera zooms in on the year dials on the radio and they suddenly start spinning. Dont go forward. Harper thinks the woman is confused, but Griffin thinks shes warning them not to time travel to the future. They both smile, knowing that they just saw Savannah in the present. Griffin believes the ghost is Daisys mother Grace and she asks the mirror where they can find the stone. She races back to the hotel to tell Sarah, who has just checked in the reporter Allison. Harper and Daisy switch places and struggle in their new time period. Later, Savannah learns that Sam returned to the springs because his mother thought the crystals in the springs had healing properties and he thinks they extended her life. In the bunker, Griffin changes the year on the radio to 1930 and Savannah is mesmerized by it. He knew he wasnt going to be able to understand, but this is what it was like back then, and it still happens. Unlock the secrets of "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" season 3, as. Topher believes they can give the people what they want through trickery. He also informs Ben that the contractors have backed out. Season 3 of Secrets of Sulphur Springs premieres on Disney Channel on Friday, March 24. Episode 11 Time After Time One of several career-defining songs off Cyndi Laupers debut album in 1983. They ask her to come back to the present time but she refuses. For instance, when Harper and Griffin traveled back to the Tremont Hotel in the 1960s, Harper had a brush with racism, and Griffin couldnt relate. Disney+ Getting New Episodes Of "Secrets Of Sulphur Springs" Early "Two minutes older and light years more mature." ~ Zoey. Disney Classics Mini-Figures. Griffin finds Harper in the woods back in 2011 and tells her theyre not moving, but also tells her he noticed the year had been changed to 2011 on the radio, the year her dad died. She relays a message to Topher to stop playing on his laptop and do his homework and Topher tells her it weirds him out how their mom always knows what hes doing. Now, this is what we can divulge about season 3! TV Recap: "Secrets of Sulphur Springs" - Episode 11 - LaughingPlace Episode 10 No Time Like the Present A jazz song written by Sammy Nestico and recorded with Quincy Jones. "This is how all . Harper finds Savannah in the basement and neither of them know where Griffin is. When the power source to the time machine is unintentionally taken and the portal disappears, Harper becomes trapped in the past with her . When she does search his room, Topher finds her and accuses her of snooping. Daisy thinks Harper will give it to her, but she says she says she cant. Stay tuned as we will have some thoughts on the full series after the finale airs. Daisy worries that her mom will be trapped in the hotel forever and Harper promises that this wont happen. Secrets of Sulphur Springs Was A Blast From The Past. Catch the Season He asks her to come sit with him and be quiet and it starts rocking again. Im super excited. Kyliegh Curran can't spill all the beans about what Friday's Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 1 finale (Disney Channel, 8/7c) has in store for fans because she does co-star on a show with . Griffin realizes its Savannah and Harper cant believe she never recognized her before. Episodes. Season 2 episodes (8) After time travelling through the portal to 1930, Harper and Griffin unravel the mystery of who's been haunting the Tremont Hotel all along. Ben agrees that the right thing to do is for them to have it, but Jess has an idea. 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.GIPQqH{flex:none;flex-grow:0;order:0}.TLWrjM .JNgJbf{display:inline-block;flex-grow:0;font:var(--errorTextFont,var(--font_8));line-height:1;order:1;word-break:break-word} KYLIEGH CURRAN. Harper is very artistic, and I love art and have quite a few sketch books. Left alone, she pounds her fist on top of the radio and it suddenly powers up. Update: Based on what we have seen after watching this episode, this may not be the series finale but just the season finale. It's so bitter sweet! Griffin gives Savannah a Mardi Gras mask to hide her face when they go back downstairs. Disney's Secrets Of Sulphur Springs SEASON FINALE "Time After Time But time travel has its hiccups, and while Harper is close to her mom Jess (Diandra Lyle), she bumps heads with the tween version of her mother, Young Jess (Izabela Rose). Disney hasnt yet announced a second season of Secrets of Sulphur Springs, but with an ending like that, they have to keep it going. Its super fun because were always playing different eras, so there are different wardrobes, different hairstyles, she says. Ben rushes back outside and asks Sarah to call an ambulance, his dad was shocked and temporarily lost consciousness. I couldn't say no! Harper and her mom go back to the bakery and talk about the note. Disney's Secrets of Sulphur Springs Season 3 Is Officially Renewed for Savannah has convinced Sam to finish building the time machine, promising to meet him in the basement after dinner. She runs back to the hotel and goes to the bunker where she finds a letter from Sam saying that hes gone on a journey through time and if hes not back in three weeks, she should destroy the radio. Someone who likes rocking chairs, Wyatt jokes. Maybe I made that up to. Jess shares that the coffee shop (seen in 2011 as Jiffy) was where she and Chris had their first date and when she sold his yellow GTO, she used the money for a down payment on it. Harper stops him from rushing at the judge and he yells at her, saying If you were really Daisy, youd be fighting this too, right alongside me. Savannah sneaks in and overhears the judge talk about switching the documents, hiding the real one in his desk drawer. The grand opening of The Tremont forces them together as they stuff goodie bags for guests attending the ceremony. Griffin soon discovers that the blue glowing stone is missing from the radio and believes it may have been taken by the ghost that haunts The Tremont. After Ben leaves Allison in her room, he notices a pile of goo on the floor outside of room 205, followed by a scream from Allisons room.