If you work ANYPLACEyou have to follow rules. This interview took place BEFORE the draft. I am the biggest Panthers fan and Cam Newtons most staunch supporter(and he needs it in Charlotte), since his first game against Clemson last year. If your company says no tattos or No piercing it is a written policy. If youre more concerned with your QBs looks than his dedication and hard-work, than that explains why you havent drafted a good one in as long as I can remember. I think we are seeing more and more owners stay out of the football side of things. You bring in the best people to help you win. Fans may be the lifeblood of the NFL, but theyre going to be there regardless. Either way, there is nothing JR can do if Newton goes and gets a dozen tattoos and piercings tomorrow. But it is rediculous to think that people would watch the NFL less if all the players had tattoos and piercings. It would be one thing if he had a hardline policy where he refused to draft any players who had tatts or piercings. Employers generally dont want people with visible tats/excessive piercings interfacing with customersunfortunately some NFL players are pretty much always interfacing with customers because they are famous. And as for the senile comments, hes made more money than the Beatles selling burgers and biscuits. But if Cam wants to go out and get a Tyson tat on his face and a superman style F*ck JR tattoo across his chest, Richardson wouldnt have any grounds to fine him or anything like that He could cut him, but thats the same with any team, piss the owner off and risk getting cut. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. Just as long as it isnt in the form of a threat or ultimatum. And I it was a strong request, not a demand. Thanks for clearing that up, Jerry! This is not so much about race as it is about, the bottom line which is money. Thats what all you widget owners want, right? Company policy should apply here as well, in my opinion. Tuscaloosa Police Chief Brent Blankley said, the other victims injured in the shooting was taken to DCH Regional Medical Center. Cam wanted the money that comes with being the #1 pick. lets review the poll question: Should teams be able to tell players not to get tattoos or piercings? The kids might like it but adults ie people with money were turned off. I dont really like JR but it doesnt sound like he told Newton he isnt allowed to get tattoos or piercings, he was just letting him know he would prefer he doesnt. Absolutely, Ill expect a dress code. Man I usually HATE when the race card is played but this sure walks a fine line. I didnt know Jerry Richardson was a Michelle Bachmann backer. The Senegalese star devoted himself completely to football and does not care about fancy stuff. What this article reveals to me is that at some point in Richardsons thought process, it occurred to him that a BLACK QB will be leading his team and he wants to make sure that that potential team leader kept his appearance a certain way. But I do not like that this subconcious thought of Cam doing these things even seeped into Richardsons brain. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. McDonalds can tell me pretty much the same thing. Tattoos are the new mainstream. (Peppers) And I think by all accounts hes a model citizen but thats just me. And the unfortunate truth is, in big business, image is EVERYTHING. He doesnt seem to have any issues with the request so Im not sure its even a problem. Cam didnt have to sign the contract, and Richardson can run his own business. Most employers have some sort of dress code employees must stick to-even our military when it comes to tattoos and piercings. Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers. . WebMiami Sports. On the other hand, the fact that THIS was the first thing the owner asked his new player about may show why this franchise has gone downhill so quickly. Brandon Roy 4. I. But he would be smart to play along. This is funny. Tattoo's Cam liked what he heard, Richardson liked what he saw and heard. Full disclosure Im a 25 yo white male with a lot of tattoos. You CAN tackle by the hair. you cant simply tell your female employees to wear low cut shirts for example. I dont see what the big deal is. Richardson: Oh yea, by the way no white girls either Cam. Its his team so he can do so. Carolina Panthers' Jerry Richardson to Cam Newton -- No tats, Unfortunately for Jackson, his tattoo choice I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. I always laugh at people who think that their boss cant dictate how they dress, look, etc. Forearm Football Tattoos 2. I dont. A sign of maturity would be to not get the tats to appease the owner and not really give a crap about it either. This was a PRE-DRAFT interview. SMHI wonder if he asked Blaine Gabbert the same thing during their visit. When bosses complain about tattoos and such it is because they feel the tattoos are embarassing and they dont want to lose business. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. But I cant have BOTH at this stage in my career. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. and not that cool old school. The NFL is trending dangerously close to the path the NBA took years ago and is now the NBA is trying to rebuild its image and fan base. The first one relates to the pre-draft meeting between Richardson and quarterback Cam Newton. This is the NFL not Wallstreet. Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers.. No one can reasonably claim that a tattoo on a players butt affects his appearance. I do understand that things can be taken to the extreme to the point of alienating people even though your behavior is perfect (its harder to relate to someone with multiple facial piercings and a grill than someone without those things)but overall I think its overkill to say no tats/piercings at all. If the bank guaranteed me 22 million bucks in exchange for not mutilating my body, im pretty sure im gonna take that deal. chrisbntx says: Nothing wrong with JR stating his preferences to kid that hes going to draft and pay to be the face of his franchise. Its that simple. Here's a look at the 25 worst tattoos, on current players, in the NFL, NBA and MLB. I didnt know Jerry Richardson was a Michelle Bachmann backer, - Some are police officers who are willing to take a bullet to protect your stupid a##. WebIts inevitable to come across some flashy tattoos in a locker room full of NFL athletes. tattoo Richardson doesnt care if Cam has a white girl, just not his grand daughter, ha ha. Making a tournament bracket template in Microsoft Word If you use Microsoft Word version 2010 to 2013, you can create a tournament bracket template by drawing the text boxes as well as the connecting lines. No long hair, no facial hair, etc, and no one has a problem with that. You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. It is completely up to the owner how his team looks, just as it is in any business. Artwork on his neck, arms and any area that is exposed outside of normal clothing and the uniform should be cool. Its his show. Next in the list is the Egyptian King known as Mo Salah. Business owners (and the NFL is a business) have a right to do so. Whether he wanted to get a tattoo or not he should have stood his ground and said respectfully sir, I dont have any tattoos or piercings, but I alone will decide if I do or I dont. This is way different. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. I dont have any tats Im not against it I just havent found something to put on my body forever. He will not fine or discipline him, but what it will do is strain the relationship between the two. Tattoos in sports video games face legal challenge tattoos So u really want to believe that a QB spends every waking moment studying game films? He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. WebWe assumed 100 players (entries) for this tournament. There is something special about being and NFL QB and Cam fully appreciates and understands that. As it turns out, its standard practice when potentially putting inmates with rival gang ties in the same jail space. Why does a Man feel the need to wear an earring anyway?? Sleeve Football Tattoos 5. I think Cam is smart enough to realize his marketing potential if his play lives up to the hype. He held up a photo of Steve Smith and said, Yeah, basically just dont be like this., Just take a look around the league If owners seriously considered only signing players who looked like choir boys they wouldnt even be able to field a team. An NFL owner can tell his employers whatever he wants. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player(s) to have no tattoos. Its America and both can do what they want in this country. Now obviously an athlete will have a little more trouble hiding these things because of the locker room, but Richardson made a request, Newton, as a man (and if they are men here, they are men when they make a mistake too), can follow that request or ignore it. Cam Newton doesn't have any tattoos on his body, and his ears are unpierced. Even Jerry Jones is smarter than that. Are you guys Fn kidding me? They just want the most talented guys. Not to mention a conduct code. However, here are the rules that I want you to play with. I dont care what why he tries to spin it, those comments were clearly racist.. Would he have desired the came from Brady or Manning? There is a difference between this is our policy and, do you have any tattos? I agree that this is both troubling and disturbing to say the least However, I have noticed that this is yet another example of the new corporate mentality that is being allowed to take over this country. NBA Players Without Tattoos After all, this is a business, would you go to McDonalds if Ronald had 15 piercings all around his mouth and nose? The yankees do the same stuff in baseball. I find nothing as silly as when people try to compare playing in the NFL to a regular job.. Teams should let players know what they expect form their players, and if the players get tatoos then they should know that their owner frowns on it. Hes an extremely handsome man, and with a little success on the field, can parlay that into a lucrative marketing deal. And I dont want you hanging around that no-good tyrone or that shank shaquanda!. If it does become an issue he can always request a trade to the Raiders or Bengals. He looked at me with such disgust. How about this.let Cam get the tattoo then rescind his contract and let him sign somewhere else where there is actual talent around him. You guys side with the people in power on everything. He should just say no thanks, go get a couple of tats and sign with the Colts for less money and he can sit behind Manning. Barcelona legend Andreas Iniesta refused to wear tattoos during his footballing career and is one of the few footballers without tattoos. ************************************************** You can. You pay me that kind of money, you own me Im yours, sir. One guy I graduated from college learned this lesson the hard way. He had NO option to play for someone else nor did he have the option of declining the job offer to work for another employer than has a more employee friendly dress code. He is one of the few footballers without tattoos. He owns the team and has done nothing wrong in stating that to him. ive had many coworkers that have to rock the long sleeves at work to cover up the tats, and theyre cool with that. You should be able to suggest to the face of your franchise that he should keep it toned down and not get to wild in public. Or says something stupid. And for that I applaud him. Wrong. drmonkeyarmy says: Am I saying Richardson is a racists? In the time it took me to post this he prolly sold 10,000 chicken biscuits. I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. However you cant tackle by the shoulder pads and sometimes players get flagged because when they have the hair it LOOKS like the pads. Take Donald Driver for examplehe wears two big earrings and it looks like (from a quick google image search) he has some tattoos on his arms. If he doesnt have any at this age he probably doesnt want them, but its the principle. If the boss tells you to do something, you do it, or you risk losing your job. Ya know, ol JR has been given a pass before when he berated a player in a meeting. Yeah, because having 60-80 yr old white guys running things has worked out so well lately.we should also commend them for extending their personal believes onto younger generations, because change is bad. 1.8k Views. thats where again i have issue. If Cam chooses to do something contrary to the owners wishes then Richardson will no doubt calculate it when decided to resign him or not. he should be allowed to get a BUST tattoo on his forehead. But I bet its not always the case with sponsors and advertisers and the business that pay to be affiliated with the team. Problem is, he forgot who it is that was going to be paying his salary. Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. Side Football Tattoos 8. NFL players show off 2022 'My Cause, My Cleats' footwear. By the way does anyone have a problem with Clay Matthews have long hair and tats? NFL Its sad that so many companies feel the need to suppress individualism all in the name of capitalism. When has it ever been cool to make up rules as we go? When big money starts changing hands, companies are more likely to support teams and athletes that represent the type of image the company wishes to present for itself. I dont have any. I said, We want to keep it that way. . but to be able to dictate what one chooses to do with his/her body (as long as its not immoral/illegal) as an employer? However, Richardson definitely has control issues, so Newton would be smart not to make this an issue. NFL players can have as many tattoos as they want, and they do not have to cover them under any rules. In a recent interview on "The Charlie Rose Show", Jerry Richardson recounted a conversation he had with Cam Newton on April 4 in which he asked Newton if he had any tattoos or piercings. AGAIN. Even Cam Newton is winning football games, him being tatted up will have nothing to do with it. Fun games We value your privacy We and our partners store and/or If your view is so clouded and cant see thru it, I have no need for your job or your friendship. Football Tattoos For Men Jerry is old school Plain and simple. This mentality is being shoved down all of americas work force as Unions are being forced out. point being, he thought he could control what that person does on his/her time after work. It happens in many different workplaces. Now, if he gets all tatted and pierced up like Dennis Rodman, his options will be fewer. People always look way too deep into things. On the other hand, if it doesnt interfere with your job function, its not in the bosss interest to lose talented employees because of the personal choices they make. Instead they are becoming more involved in the Global Business that their team is and investing their personal time into the players, employees, and teams. Truth is though, Richardson is doing Newton a favor. Jerry Richardson is becoming the East Coast Al Davis If not, than hes way out of line. Cam does not have an issue with it. Good keep it that way. That is total BS. Joel Embiid. If my QB is spending any time under the needle for a superficial piece of body art instead of studying film or learning every positions responisibility on every single play than he is mismanaging his responsibilities as a professional and I wouldnt trust him as the leader of my franchise. You have to love the way that Americans are being conditioned; dont let Government tell you anything, but do everything that your boss tells you. If you show up for an interview looking like a hood you might not get hired. The only issue is: a) Whether the team is willing to enforce the code to everyone fairly. How some of you idiots turned this into a race/slavery issue is beyond me. Im sure a bunch of guys of similar appearance felt it they just sounded reasonable when they fought to maintain slavery and to prevent womens basic rights (like owning property or voting) as well. We want is not the same as I order or you must. If the Panthers owner feels that a certain outcome will lead to better marketing and sales while also happening to agree with his values then why shouldnt he say he wants that outcome? Its not like this is new. Maybe that makes him unattractive to media but he is the best!. Each do it different, but that is the end goal. An NFL owner can tell his employers whatever he wants. In 2014, tattoos returned with "Madden NFL 15" for just one player: Colin Kaepernick. Read your employee manual lately? players without tattoos nflofficeadmin says: Aug 24, 2011 6:03 AM. If Cam doesnt like it he can work somewhere else, right? Paul Pogba. some families are probably turning off pro sports right now, just because of this explosion of tats in the last 15 years.). I guess it is a fair assumption you have never heard of the CFL, UFL or Arena Football League. As the face of the organization for (presumably, if everything goes well) the next 10+ years, if not for life, you want to roll out a conservative image.
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