The appetite for a more radical approach to the Tory government has been highlighted by the rapid rise of Mick Lynch, leader of the striking Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers union (RMT). Sunak was on top of the detail. Not only is Labour considered a strong favorite to win the next election, but the moderate Labour right faction is now in firm control of the party an unthinkable position just a few years ago when the Corbynite left looked unassailable. The Labour leader is rated better on dealing with the cost of living than both Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss. The politicians listed below include: The following polls have asked people which leader they think would better handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, Sunak continues to trail Keir Starmer in most of the country on the question of which would be the better Prime Minister at this moment. The breach with Rayner was serious, and would continue to be for the rest of the year, but she was no threat to Starmers position as leader. The Tories have remained persistently behind Labour throughout the summer and currently stand on 32 per cent of the vote with Labour on 42 per cent, according to BMG. The king played his symbolic role. The choreography of the protocol deal was also bold. Close Blair ally and media entrepreneur Waheed Alli has been appointed by Starmer as the partys head of election fundraising. Sorting the protocol was in that category, a sensible bit of ground-clearing and confidence-building. Political Monitor. Amid all that, Sunak didnt cower in the bunker. Poll says Keir Starmer worse choice for PM than Boris Johnson Does Keir Starmer look like a Prime Minister in waiting? Too soon for that. The questions differ slightly from pollster to pollster: Some pollsters ask voters which potential Prime Minister/Chancellor of the Exchequer pairing they would prefer: Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt for the Conservative Party or Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves for the Labour Party. Rishi Sunak is shaping up to be a prime minister Keir Starmer should be burden of repaying the 150bn ($170bn) costs, Starmer has hollowed out left-wing politics in the UK, Palestinian and socialist groups further sidelined as Labour email comes to light, UK: Oxford students report racial profiling at event hosting Israeli ambassador. The Labour leaders raft of broken promises on key issues likely to be close to the hearts of voters as their living standards collapse risks casting him as unreliable and untrustworthy. Labours biggest donor, Unite, has reduced its contributions to fund grassroots initiatives Starmers Labour has abandoned. Search. Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party out of touch with opinion, poll finds It is, admittedly, early days for such speculation. Having dealt with the party machinery at the last conference, the plan was always that the next one will focus on setting out our plans for Britain. Nobody wants to see industrial action that is disruptive.. Former Conservative party chairman claims Sue Gray appointment proves The DUP was not allowed to hijack the launch and mobilise the European Research Group. Starmers Labour increasingly looks like a pale replica of the modern Conservative Party, which publicly extols the virtues of unfettered markets while privately skewing the economic battle-space in big businesss favour - a covert socialism, but for the rich only. The Labour leader said he is glad the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is taking time to consider . If you do not have an account you can register here. In a similar vein, Starmer has strictly distanced Labour from the spate of strikes breaking out as workers struggle with escalating costs, despite earlier committing towork shoulder to shoulder with the unions to stand up for working people, tackle insecure work and low pay Oppose Tory attacks on the right to take industrial action and the weakening of workplace rights., While Starmer has agreed, when pressed, that workers have a right to strike in principle, his office has condemned strikes, like the rail unions, when they actually take place. Theres no complacency but we remain confident of the strategy we have to get Keir to No 10., Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. "The Labour leader has taken a significant fall across all metrics in the last two weeks, particularly being a strong leader, looking like a prime minister in waiting, and being able to get things done. The following polls asked about voters' opinions on Liz Truss, leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 6 September 2022 and until 25 October 2022. The following polls asked about voters' opinions on Sin Berry and Jonathan Bartley, co-leaders of the Green Party from 4 September 2018 to 31 July 2021. Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICOs editors and guest writers on the continent. 3 minutes read. A survey of party members in March this year found that Tony Blair was just as popular with them as Jeremy Corbyn. Around the middle of the year, however, the tide started to turn. Keir Starmer is finally ahead in the polls but at what cost? Progressive politics is out in the cold. At a time of major problems in the NHSfrom backlogged waiting lists, to strikes by ambulance drivers, nurses and junior doctorsdominating many voters thoughts, voters in the Blue Wall (30%), the Red Wall (36%), and the country at large (44%) all notably select the NHS/Healthcare as the issue they most trust his party to deliver on. Filter. These could include a comparison of leading politicians within the same party (to gauge support for future leadership contests), or compare the current leader of one party to an alternative leader of a second. Posts; Latest Activity; Photos . March 2, 2023 10:16 am CET. Keir Starmer level with Boris Johnson in poll as fuel crisis bites He is very much, here is the problem and this is the solution. But it is circumstance - not a political programme - that has conspired to help Starmer. The poll, based on the responses of 2,004 adults in the UK, also showed: Sir Keir Starmer slumps 17 points behind PM in new poll - and a third of Labour voters want him to quit, Sir Keir Starmer is lagging well behind Boris Johnson in a new opinion poll, Starmer 'up to it' as Labour leader - Miliband, Starmer 'trying to move party forward' - Brown, 'Labour Party has to do some soul searching', 33% of Labour voters want Sir Keir to resign as party leader, Two-thirds think Labour did badly in the local elections earlier this month but just 31% blame Sir Keir, 57% said Sir Keir has been a better party leader than his predecessor Mr Corbyn, The top choice for Sir Keir's replacement as Labour Party leader was Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, with approval from 47% and disapproval from 19%, The Conservatives are up two points to 44%, whilst Labour has dropped six points to 31%. Not least, he has shredded the pledges he made during his campaign for the Labour leadership, policy commitments he sold Labour members as evidence he would serve as the continuity candidate for his left-wing predecessor, Jeremy Corbyn. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, The opinion polls have turned in the Labour leaders favour vindicating his strategic patience, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. Can Gordon Brown and Keir Starmer Save the UK? - Jackson - The It includes a job ad for a celebrities and endorsement manager.. To me, Starmer is hyper-competent as a manager and organiser. A backlash is coming, Labour leader Keir Starmer addresses the annual Labour Party conference in Brighton, England, on 9 September 2021 (AFP), How top Labour officials plotted to bring down Jeremy Corbyn, Forde Inquiry exposes Labour's biggest problem: Keir Starmer, Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. The polls may be indicating a huge win for Labour at the next general election, but here's a reason Keir Starmer shouldn't be celebrating yet: Almost two in three voters want a new political party to take on the Conservatives and Labour, a shock new study of trust in politics has found. His job approval rating is bumping along at -26. "However, at least then Labour could console itself that their leader was new and making a positive impression. A government of which he was part had created the whole problem in the first place, of course, and one should never tire of saying so. Keir Starmer picks Partygate investigator Sue Gray as chief of staff From the (limited) media I read it was pretty well received and will maintain/increase Labour's lead in the opinion polls. Polling for Ipsos MORI showed the Tories taking the lead in front of Labour again amid a vaccine bou He has blamed ballooning debt from the Covid-19 pandemic as the reason. Some of the more detailed polling questions, which have given Johnson the benefit of the doubt all year, have also turned. Only 17% say a Conservative government with Rishi Sunak as prime minister. But the problem runs deeper. The job of being Leader of the Opposition is, famously, the most thankless available in British politics. Estimated Reading Time: 3-5 minutes. It comes with Labour MPs still feeling gloomy over Starmers performance at prime ministers questions on Wednesday. GBNEWS. All rights reserved. It was, mathematically, the result of the government and prime minister enjoying a vaccine boost in popularity, but it prompted bitter Corbynites to remind Blairites how they had predicted that under any other leader Labour would be 20 points ahead. Starmers reluctance to criticise Big Business or show solidarity with workers has shifted political ground in the UK even further to the right. These polls asked the opinions of British voters, not specifically Scottish voters. It is something Blair spoke about a lot, not having the first idea what he was doing when he got through the door. The date range for opinion polls is from the 2019 United Kingdom general election, held on 12 December, to the present day. Here's the reason voters can't be very keen on Keir Starmer The poll also found voters backing Keir Starmer over Rishi Sunak. In many ways this looks rather like 1996 with Blair and Brown promising Tory-like spending controls and picking fights with the left of the party. Meanwhile, he has differentiated Labour simply by eschewing the more indefensible forms of predatory capitalism the current Conservative leadership embraces. It is a dramatic capitulation for a party in opposition that grew out of the activities of the trade union movement and still affirms on its website that its affiliation with leading unions is what makes [Labour] unique. The 10-point gap has been roughly stable since June, with the resignation of Boris Johnson and the leadership election having no significant impact on the polls. Keir Starmer has been urged to intervene in the selection process for a Labour target "red wall" seat, after a leading candidate who had the support of eight trade unions was blocked from . UK opposition leader Keir Starmer will pledge that a Labour government would boost public purchases of local food as he seeks to appeal to country's embattled farmers. Lucy Powell described partygate investigator Sue Gray - who plans to join Labour as Sir Keir Starmer's chief of staff - as "impartial" and "really good at her job". Approval in the Blue Wall is no better, with the Governments approval on immigration down by one point to -44%, although it has improved its rating on the economy (-33%, +5), and the NHS (-49%, +2) since January. SIR Keir Starmer has seen his ranking plunge in the polls after a terrible fortnight of bungles. He seems to have taken as his starting point an assumption - shared by the establishment media - that the antagonism engineered by the Thatcher government through the 1980s towards trade unions and industrial action still holds 40 years later. Sir Keir Starmer will deliver his conference speech today with the party in a commanding position in the polls (Picture: Metro/YouGov) Labour has hit an historic opinion poll high after a . He was given a peerage by Blair in 1998 and acted as an unofficial adviser to the former PM through his 10-year reign. Prof Goodwin said: Keir Starmers Labour Party continues to hold a strong lead when it comes to managing the economy, which is also the most important issue for voters. 10. After three years of near-destitution brought on by COVID-19, falling membership numbers and reduced union funding the party is now beginning to look cashed-up. BOOST for Labour and Keir Starmer after the Autumn Statement - GB News poll reveals, Nationwide hikes up mortgage rates again just weeks after promoting cuts. Millionaires clearly want different policy priorities, but it matters to public opinion who is influencing the people who are supposed to be working in our interests?. Sat 11 Jun 2022 14.57 EDT. But he did an important job this week. Starmer is said to have become increasingly comfortable in these settings over the past 12 months as his status as prime minister-in-waiting Labour is consistently polling 20 points ahead of the Tories is further entrenched. If you had said the morning after the 2019 election Labour could be back in one term, people would have laughed at you. That amounts to a 10% swing to Labour since the election. Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, speaks at the National Farmers' Union (NFU) conference in Birmingham, UK, on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023. The polling companies listed are members of the British Polling Council (BPC) and abide by its disclosure rules. The Opinium figures, which will raise further concerns within Labour over the party leaders performance, shows that the prime minister has a two-point lead over his opponent. Labour leader Keir Starmer has demanded the Covid inquiry release findings by the end of the year amid fresh criticism of former Health Secretary . Instead, he has focused on reassuring voters - and the billionaire-owned media - that his party embodies the values associated with old-school conservatism: responsible belt-tightening, support for business, patriotism, law and order, the monarchy and militarism. Now that would shock people.. But he has made his own luck too. Starmer holds an approval rating of -6, unchanged from two weeks ago. She told ITV's . Rishi Sunak branded Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer 'Mr 2nd Referendum' as he told the 1922 Committee of backbench Tories that the public are sick of Brexit 'drama'. More than six in ten (61%) of Rishi Sunaks voters support the measure, as do 57% of Labour voters, suggesting this policy will land well in the country as a whole. More broadly, this will be central to boosting the nations productivity going forward. Labour looks to Keir Starmer's readiness to pounce. Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt leaves 11 Downing Street, LondonJames Manning. Now all the polls are reporting not just that Labour is in the lead but that people would rather have Starmer as prime minister than the incumbent. Will Keir Starmer lead Labour back into government? The view from the The MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark was hit with a five-day suspension today ( Friday, March 3 ), for his drunken, expletive-laden rants in Stranger's Bar last year . Sunaks challenge will be to convince the country that its current problems lie more with global events than his own party, but that will be very, very hard given how strongly people feel about this. Labours new HQ in Southwark is described by party officials as a serious upgrade, with the NEC member quoted earlier calling it a proper campaign HQ, like it was in 1997., The party has also been on a hiring spree in recent months, advertising for dozens of new positions across the country. Boris Johnson makes a better prime minister than Keir Starmer would despite Partygate, the cost of living crisis and the confidence vote in Johnson held by his MPs, according to the latest Observer poll. Only England and Wales jurisdiction apply in all legal matters. politics . Keir Starmer is finally ahead in the polls - but at what cost? His dullness became steadiness; his earnestness became a serious leader for serious times. Do you believe Keir Starmer's words? 29 days ago . But dont underestimate this prime minister, either. Too soon for that. Only 17% say a Conservative government with Rishi Sunak as prime minister. Labour also still hold a lead of 10 points over the Conservatives in terms of overall voting intentions, broadly in line with our figures for June and likely to see the Labour party win a majority if an election were tomorrow.. Explore the live extension of our journalism, The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal, Belarusian Nobel Peace Prize winner sentenced to 10 years in jail, Turkeys opposition splits over candidate to fight Erdoan, Germany to Switzerland: We want your tanks, Calculated evil: How Putins forces use war crimes and torture to erase Ukrainian identity, Let us film MPs as they vote, says outgoing Sky News chief, WhatsApp panic stalks Westminster after mass leak of private messages, Why always Matt? Potential Tory rebels faced a pincer movement of private pressure at Westminster alongside assured ministerial actions on the national stage. They are also targeting the partys next conference in the autumn as the moment to set out more detail of their plans adding that Labour is making progress with important groups of voters. Most voters in Britain dont have Europe or Northern Ireland on their minds anyway. Hapless Sir Keir Starmer's poll rating plunges after a fortnight of "Labour's poor position today is the result of factors both out of their control and things they should be deeply concerned with.". Of course, the Conservative Party will take evasive action, up to and including changing leader, before the next election, but we can now see that Labours doom and gloom about Starmers anti-charisma and Johnsons Teflon qualities were overdone. Such criteria would presumably be based on an assessment of public opinion in Scotland over a sustained period: a consistent, long-running lead for independence in opinion polls, say, or in election results (measured, as the SNP have recently suggested, in terms of a vote share of over 50 per cent for independence-supporting parties). Sir Keir's office declined to comment, saying it did not offer 'running commentaries' on opinion polls. When politics resumes next week, the Labour leader will have a (courteous) spring in his step Team Starmer will be watching the next few opinion polls very closely. Starmer is ahead in best PM polling. Labour extended its lead nationally to 27%, the widest margin it has held since Sunak became PM in October, while also opening up a lead of 28% in the Red Wall (another record lead with Sunak as Prime Minister). Starmer turned in some more relaxed performances at Prime Ministers Questions, starting to look more confident and suggesting that he had finally got the measure of Johnson. Labour holds a 10-point lead over the Conservatives as Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak attack each other in public but Sir Keir Starmers personal ratings have gone backwards. Some 55% of people polled said they were dissatisfied with the Prime Minister, compared to 49% in December. The following polls asked about voters' opinions on Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition since April 2020. It wasnt just the Corbynites who were disillusioned with Starmer despairing Blairites who supported him confided sadly that they didnt think he was up to the job, and that the best the party could hope for was that he would be a transitional leader of the kind that Neil Kinnock had been. However, this has not had the desired effect. He added: Real grown-ups would actually get everyone back around the table, unite the party, pull the trade unions back on board, build up our war chest and then go on to win the general election.. Shadow Cabinet ministers have been urged to attend as many dinners with prospective donors as possible, with the leaders office sometimes pairing ministers with wealthy individuals. Public opinion. Starmer is determined to beat the Tories at their own game, vowing to fight the election on economic growth. Keir Starmer blow as MP's shock resignation rocks Labour Party days Opinion comes closest regarding having a lot of . Opinion: Keir Starmer held his nerve and has eclipsed Boris Johnson as The get together was reeling from its worst efficiency on the poll field since 1935, riven by inner divisions, below hearth over its report of tackling antisemitism and going through an seemingly unassailable Boris Johnson atop an 80-seat majority. The National Anthem will be sung at the start of the Labour Party conference next weekend, for the first time in recent memory (h/t @BBCBenWright), Saying Im not ideological, Starmer told BBC Breakfast over the summer: Weve reversed those 2019 manifesto positions because we needed to show the country that were credible, were responsible on the economy.. Jean-Claude Juncker says protocol deal better for EU than some in UK The fact weve climbed out of the hole we were in was never a given. For most of the year, as the government enjoyed the protection against the illness of unpopularity afforded by a successful vaccination programme, it looked as if the forward march of Labour had halted. LONDON Keir Starmer wants big business to "mold" Labour's election plans and get its "fingerprints" on his policy agenda. The Labour leader grilled the Prime Minister on housebuilding, calling on him to "bring back . His Blue Wall rating, meanwhile, remains unchanged from January at -10%. Sue Gray's appointment as chief of staff is a coup for Keir Starmer In a nationally representative poll taken August 26th to 29th, Keir Starmer leads Liz Truss by 10 points or more on: And also by 11 points for each of paying attention to detail (41% to 30%), being a capable leader (38% to 27%) and they are going to make the country a better place (35% to 24%). August 20, 2022 7:00 am (Updated August 21, 2022 9:35 am) Labour holds a 10-point lead over the Conservatives as Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak attack each other in public - but Sir Keir Starmer's . The man who would be Prime Minister addressed St. Columb's politics students and students from the . If Blairites are now on the rise once again in the Labour Party, what about the man himself? Leader of the British Labour Party, Keir Starmer, says that if nothing changes, Great Britain's GDP per capita would be lower than that of Poland in 7 years, and that of Hungary and Romania in 17 years. Why wont anyone tell me anything?. Sir Keir Starmer's decision to make Sue Gray his chief of staff proves he is a "man of the establishment" and will harm Labour's chances of winning the Red Wall, a former Conservative party chairman has claimed Sir Jake Berry said the appointment underlined that the Labour leader would run a . Political Monitor. Speaking alongside Blair-era Minister Peter Mandelson at a business roundtable in late January, Starmer said he wanted to extract as much as I can from you, have a really grown-up conversation, and also for you to see that it is possible to mold, have your fingerprints on what were doing, two people presenttold POLITICO. But it remains to be seen whether the announcement of a deal with the European Union over the Northern Ireland Protocol will lead to a reversal in the Governments polling fortunes. oes Rishi Sunak deserve some kind of apology? In-depth reporting, data and actionable intelligence for policy professionals all in one place. He has become the voice of a new populist grassroots politics filling the void on the left created by Starmers all-too visible absence. Blair and others involved have always claimed there was no connection between the two events. An Opinium poll sees the Labour leader struggling to make headway against a PM whose handling of the pandemic has gained approval. Rishi Sunak is shaping up to be a prime minister Keir Starmer should be wary of. Keir Starmer demands Covid inquiry reports by end of year Jeremy Corbyn approval rating . First poll of 2023 shows Rishi Sunak favourability at -29 . Rishi Sunak warns MPs they can't trust Keir Starmer on Brexit But Levys comeback is not free of controversy. BMG are members of the British Polling Council and abide by their rules. Cubus Follow. Latest news, analysis and comment on migration in Europe and beyond. The hire of Alli as chair of campaign financing was a particularly adroit decision, according to several MPs and party officials. People in Britain, generally, are much more cynical about big money influencing politics, he warned. Sunaks handling of the NI protocol suggests a leader and a Tory party with more left in the tank than some think. Government approval on all three issues has risen in the Red Wall, recovering from a particularly bad poll in late January to now stand at -27% on the economy (+14), -41% on the NHS (+13), and -40% on immigration (+7). 2 March 2023. Opinion Rishi Sunak. This was followed by the legacy of Covid-19 (14%), energy companies (9%) and then Rishi Sunaks Conservative government. Starmer has ensured that the two dominant parties in Britain, like those in the United States, are both unapologetically of capital. IT'S a genuine poll result . Although they remain neck-and-neck on 38% each in the traditionally Conservative-voting Blue Wall, Starmer has opened up a lead of 7% in the Red Wall constituencies (three points lower than the 10-point margin he held at the end of January) and a 9% lead across the whole of Great Britain (three points more than at the end of January). Starmer, he said, was making catastrophic errors, creating a punch-up with our own side. But the work that Keir has been doing to reform the party, often without fanfare, means that we can seriously talk about winning the next election. The more he engages with people from the City, the more he feels comfortable with the vocabulary and the issues, a department head at an investment bank said. The battered economy, on which Starmer focused almost all his questions to Sunak in the Commons yesterday, remains far and away the central battleground of electoral politics for the foreseeable future. - Miriam Burrell 5h. Sorting the protocol was a sensible bit of ground-clearing and confidence-building. Rishi Sunak during prime ministers questions on Wednesday. His internal opposition had largely given up and gone home, disgusted with the obvious distance he had put between himself and his predecessor, now not even a Labour MP. For Keir Starmer, things look much rosier. . Robert Struthers of BMG told i: Keir Starmer will have been hoping for a polling bounce following his big announcement on freezing energy bills to tackle the energy crisis at the beginning of this week.
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