$4.00 in cash. Left foot of child. Gold ear-rings. Gun screw-driver. Muslin drawers. Black hair. Dark hair. Scapular. Red dress. Flood, 1889]: Carrying body out of the wreck Gray pants with black stripe. Coat, vest. Light complexion. Bunch of keys. Light hair. Dark hair. Female. Female. Age forty. The Tragic Story Of The Johnstown Flood - Grunge.com Female Age about nine years. Body taken by her brother. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Knit stockings. Two rings, one engraved E. Male. May 1JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Johnstown police are investigating deaths of a middle-aged man and woman whose bodies, as well as a dog's, were found with gunshot wounds in a second-floor bedroom of a house on the 500 block of Pine Street on Saturday afternoon. Rather heavy build. Purple coat with small black stripes. False teeth lower jaw. Male. Black pants Toy pistol. Well dressed. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Two rings, one bearing initial "A." Female Age about five years. White. Female. Blue spotted calico dress. Blue eyes. Age about thirty-five. Boy. Brown hair. Porous plaster on breast. Weight 150. Weight 40 Height 3 feet White. Age about twelve. Male. Button-hook, and jacks. Heavy sandy hair. Penknife. Height 5 feet. Was to have been married on the next Tuesday. Light dress. Heavy jersey or coat badly torn. Hazel eyes Two plain gold rings on right forefinger. Age thirty to forty. About four years. Female. Male. Red flannel underwear. Daught of James J. Froenheiser. The fire burned for three days. Text. Recognized by his father. Black broadcloth coat. Left leg off three inches below the knee. Female. Canton flannel drawers. Light hair. Small ball drop earrings. White handkerchief with blue polka dot border. 135 pounds. Silver watch, open-face. Age about nine. Buried in his own lot at Sandy Vale. Weight 40 Height 3 feet 9 inches. How many victims were never identified in the Johnstown flood? Five years old. Black and white striped flannel skirt. Dark hair. No valuables. $1.00 bill. Blue calico dress. Gauze undershirt. Red alpaca dress. Female. Light underwear. Brown eyes. HISTORY OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD - Iberlibro (ES) Buttoned shoes. Valuables recovered by James Diamond. $2.00 bill. Male. Short nose. Button shoes. Daughter of James Jones. Buttoned shoes Knee pants. Eagle on arm. Male. Wore truss and had false teeth. An hour after the dam's failure, a 60-foot wall of water and debris smashed into the thriving 30,000-person community of Johnstown at 40 miles per hour. Hand-knit open-worked sacque. No upper teeth. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.Pam Schilling is the reason Donald Trump is the president. Brown hair, blue eyes, old scar on neck. Name on key-ring was Frank E. Stattler, on reserve side was No. Light complexion. Weight 170. Male. Plain ring on finger of right hand. At first supposed to be George Helsel, but found to be a mistake. Female. Jacob Nolen says that John Thomas (?) Son of J. L. Smith, marble cutter. White. Male. Height five feet. Reese. A boy. Buried on lot of A.J. Weight 160. Female Age forty-five. The Johnstown Calamity [Johnstown, Pa. One pair silver scissors. When the South Fork Dam broke on May 31, 1889, the wave of water and the damage it caused eventually claimed 2,209 lives. Age twelve. Lovers burnt and sweethearts drowned, Black dress. The in-depth story of the deadly 1889 Johnstown Flood caused by the Johnstown Dam Collapse.On Memorial Day of 1889, western Pennsylvania was caught by a mass. Male. Slippers tied with black bow. Sex unknown. Tin tobacco tabs. Brown hair Dark blue stockings with white soles. Female. Bunch of keys. Female. The high, steep hills of the narrow Conemaugh Valley and the Allegheny Mountains to the east kept the development of Johnstown close to the riverfront areas. Fair complexion. Medium height. Male. Buried in his lot at Grand View. Supposed to be the daughter of Jacob Babb. Gray skirt with red stripe. Black alpaca dress. Before hitting the main part of Johnstown, the flood surge hit the Cambria Iron Works in the town of Woodvale, sweeping up railroad cars and barbed wire. Small gold ring. Blue flannel skirt. Female Age six. Gray hair. Supposed to be Cooney or Conrad Schnable. Pocket-book $7 35. Black hair. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Dark hair. Red flannel skirt. (Cambria Iron Co., Miller.). Female. No valuables. The devastating 1889 Johnstown Flood killed over 2,000 people in Black ribbed hose. on it. Button shoes. Weight 145. Eighty. Gold ring marked James Potts, died March, 1874. Female. Age about eight. Father a letter carrier. When the flood hit, it picked up the still-moving locomotive off the tracks and floated it aside; Hess himself survived, but at least fifty people died, including about twenty-five passengers stranded on trains in the village. The dam was 72 feet (22m) high and 931 feet (284m) long. Congress gaiters. Revolver and knife. Found with Mrs Nitche. Red and black checkered skirt. Slate pencil and door key. Knife. A dam broke causing a huge flood, but before it could hit the town, the flood wiped out a barbed wire company. Very large breasts. Height 5 feet 2 inches. White shirt. Pocket-knife. Age about four years. Supposed to be Richard Worthington, a laborer, judging by receipts found on his person. No teeth. Spring heel button, shoes, half soles, heels repaired. Female. Large full face. Male. Female. Black pants. [7] The Conemaugh River, immediately downstream of Johnstown, is hemmed in by steep mountainsides for about 10 miles (16km). White. Female. Ribbed stockings. Pair of shears Eye-glasses. Chinaman. Professor of music. Age about twenty Brown hair. 145 pounds. Blue waist. Button shoes. Taken to Cambria City. Wine color underskirt. Blue calico dress. Blue waist with white stripes. Bunch of keys. Black cloth coat Gold watch and chain Breast-pin Plain gold ring, marked "H B." Light complexion Hazel eyes Calico apron. No collar or neckwear as near as could be told. During the middle of the flood, rumors circulated that a dam upstream of the city was going to fail, and this sent citizens in a rush to get to higher ground, fearing a repeat of 1889. Hair cut short, very dark color. John Parke, an engineer for the South Fork Club, briefly considered cutting through the dam's end, where the pressure would be less to create another spillway, but eventually decided against it as that would have quickly ensured the failure of the dam. Badge of Junior Mechanics 43 cents in change. Female. Auburn hair. Pearl buttons. Breast-pin. Incredibly, bodies continued to be found for months and even years after the flood, some as far away as Cincinnati. Very large. Striped dress. Height 5 feet 9 inches Light complexion. Updated February 08, 2022 10:00 AM. Gray underskirt. Age thirty-one. Age sixty. 7, p.216. Leaf pattern. Light muslin dress. Brown hair. Boy. Calico dress. Found in Kernville. Two bunches of keys. One pocket-book containing two five dollar gold pieces, and one piece of gold bullion and one ten dollar gold piece, one key and one cent Also another pocket containing three pieces of old coin, two coppers and fifteen dollars in greenbacks. Calico dress. 80. Blue eyes Black Hair. Female. Height 5 feet 7 1/2 inches. Brown hair, double plait. Red moustache and beard. Black ribbed hose. Female. Gray eyes. Wart on left ear. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Gold ring. Blank book. Babe. Upper and lower false teeth. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Blue stockings. Age about thirty. Debris at the Stone Bridge covered thirty acres,[18] and clean-up operations were to continue for years. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Age forty or forty-five. Age about forty. Earrings. Blue and white barred cotton dress Brown hair, plaited with ribbon. Plaid dress. Burnt and unrecognizable. Long black tie or scarf. Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati (600 miles), and as late as 1911. As the Johnstown Area Historical Association notes, the dead were found hundreds of miles away and continued to be found for decades after the flood. According to records compiled by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; 124 women and 198 men were widowed; 98 children were orphaned; and one third of the dead, 777 people, were never Light complexion. Age about ten. Age thirty to thirty-five. Dark pants. Racine, Wisconsin. Red socks. Female. Age about three years. Ring at Fourth Ward Morgue. Silver ring and gold ring on second finger of left hand. Gray eyes. The Aftermath - The Johnstown flood of 1889 After the flood, Andrew Carnegie built the town a new library.[24]. Male. Chain with small bucket charm. H. Ocker, of Philadelphia, to whom she was engaged to be married, and removed by him to be buried at Shippensburg, Pa. Age about seven. 35 Maple avenue, Woodvale. Large. Height 5 feet. Blue and white barred gingham bib Small chased gold ring. Ladies' hunting-case gold watch. Gray silk dress. Bunch of keys with name on stencil plate. Woodvale. Gold watch and chain. Black overcoat. $11.99 . B. Bickenton, June 28th, and taken to Philadelphia for internment. Height 5 feet 10 inches. A man about fifty years of age. Age about eighteen. Brown badge, O. O. S. of A. Hazel eyes. Female. Age two years. Height 5 ft. 7 in. Light hair plaited in back. Red and black striped skirt, stripes one inch wide. Wife of H. K. Smith, of Osborne, Green co, Ohio. Age twenty-four. Black ribbed stockings. Female. Button gaiters. Black and brown vest. Visit the Johnstown Flood Museum, which is operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, to find out more about this shocking episode in American history. Weight 180. Right earring torn out. [3] Adding the width of the emergency spillway to that of the main spillway yielded the total width of spillway capacity that had been specified in the 1847 design of William Morris, a state engineer. Age thirty-eight Weight 145. Height 5 feet Light complexion Auburn hair, brown eyes, blue check dress, blue waist. Knife. Tom O'Day is loved by two women, Anna Burger and Gloria Hamilton. Working shoes. Male child. Plaid wool dress trimmed with wool crotchet lace. One of the first outsiders to arrive was Clara Barton, the founder and president of the American Red Cross. $75 in money. False upper teeth. Ears were pierced. A jury convened by a county coroner to investigate the cause of the Johnstown Flood that swept more than 2,000 people to their death on May 31 found on Saturday evening . Pen-holder. Identified by Mrs. Julia A. Hatzinger. Pocket-book, containing $1 in paper and $1.30 in silver. Auburn hair Blue and brown striped skirt. Dark hair. Light hair and moustache. The morgues kept very careful records, but nearly one in three of the victims were never identified. P.R.R. Red woolen stockings. Black hair. Bunch of keys with tag and name. Height 4 feet 3 inches Dark hair. Plain gold ring, with J L B. engraved on inner side, Female Weight 115. Button shoes. Age about fifty-five. Female. Blue shirt. Silver watch and chain. Black hair. Black stockings, with red and gray stripes on the top. Height 3 feet. Pearl buttons. Age thirty-five. Coffin furnished his father from the Morgue. Black hair. Blue striped calico dress. Male. One knife. Weight 190 Dark hair. Debris from the Johnstown Flood. Plain gold band ring on third finger of left hand. Ring on left hand. Revisiting the timing and events leading to and causing the Johnstown Flood of 1889. Small-pox marks on face Light hair. Dark brown hair. Survivors of the flood were unable to recover damages in court because of the South Fork Club's ample resources. Red and black striped flannel skirt. Collar and cuff buttons. Weight forty. Female. Body delivered to G.C. Muslin skirt. Pocket knife. Fancy ear-rings with sets. Sack coat. Pocket book with $1.25. Supposed to be Teny Rubert, married to Sabene. Hair brown and light. Male. Lace waist over top of dress. Narrative - The Johnstown Flood - Bowdoin College Blue cloth knee pants. Age seventy-eight. Black stockings. Pair cuff-buttons. Breast-pin. Weight 65. Bunch of keys. Brown striped skirt. Shumaker. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Unfortunately, Parke did not personally take a warning message to the telegraph tower he sent a man instead. "Johnstown flood of 1889 destruction and rebirth" (Presentation 76-9). Female. Right leg and right arm only. Upon completion, the Corps proclaimed Johnstown "flood free.". Gingham apron. 38 cents in change. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Sun glass. Two pairs of gold glasses. Leather boots. Female. Blue eyes. Female. Buried as unknown 216, from Millville School Morgue, at Prospect Disinterred and buried in lot of Conrad Raab, Sandy Vale, June 12th. Long gingham apron, buttoned in back, puffed at shoulders. Looking-glass. Light hair. Top of head bald. Brown and white gingham apron, with collar. Set and plain ring on right finger. Three bunches of keys Three door keys. The Great Johnstown Flood | Pennsylvania Center for the Book Open-faced silver watch Heavy plated chain with black stone set. Earrings Silver ring on middle finger of left hand. Age twenty to twenty-five. Brown hair. Son of Phillip Rapp, of Hornerstown. Large man. On May 30, 1889 the South Fork Dam, which maintained a pleasure lake for wealthy Pittsburgh industrialists and their families, failed due to very heavy rains and poor maintenance by the dam's owners. [9] Its existence is supported by topographic data from 1889[20] which shows the western abutment to be about one foot lower than the crest of the dam remnants, even after the dam had previously been lowered as much as three feet by the South Fork Club. Age fifty. Dark wool shirt pleated in front. Black stockings and button shoes. Barred dress. Cambria City. Boy. One lead pencil Book of rates E.L. A.S. 1000 mile pass book. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Was lost in the Hulbert House. Dark hair. Striped shirt. Small heart on right arm. Dark hair. Fair complexion. Black stockings, No. Oroide watch. Weight 140. Female. Bunch of keys. Johnstown Flood--Reading 1 Lace shoes nearly new. The reason people are hating on it now is because Hurricane Harvey just happened so Red Cross' response to it is being criticized and it is bringing up memories of how they always operate. Female. A Pittsburgh man. Short knee pants. Dark hair Full face German look. (Epilogue: Page 403) 17 likes. Age forty. Red and blue stripe handkerchief. Head burned off Dark lace shoes. $10 bill. Leather coin purse Ten cents. Valuables given to John Marshall, his brother. Male. Match box. Breast-pin. Mark on stomach looks like a burn. Large door key, had been broken and repaired. Height 5 feet 2 inches. Large plain band ring on third finger of right hand. Dark hair. Light brown hair. Black cloth jersey, covered buttons. Upper Prospect, June 17th. [9] Unger, Parke, and the rest of the men continued working until exhausted to save the face of the dam; they abandoned their efforts at around 1:30p.m., fearing that their efforts were futile and the dam was at risk of imminent collapse. Brown cloth shirt, plaited in front, small plaits. Postcard Real Photo Main Street Flood Body Found Johnstown Pennsylvania 1936. Plush collar. 4. Brown, white and blue plaid skirt. $2 note. One chased band ring. Fair complexion. Johnstown Police find decomposing bodies, cremated remains at funeral Height 3 feet 2 inches. Rosary and scapula left on body. Light complexion. 7. Rubber hair pins. Gingham apron. Black hair and mustache. As the waters continued to rise, Unger ordered last-ditch efforts to prevent the lake from overflowing and . Human foot. $2.56 money. St. John's, June 13th. Gingham apron. The body of one victim was found more than 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio. Black pants. Plaid wool skirt. Natural dent above right eye half an inch deep, like as if broken. Gray woolen coat. Afterwards identified as James Dillon, of Somerset. Wore black belt with double clasp. Badge marked C. I. Co., employment. White cotton stockings. Supposed to be William Henry. Age about thirty. Plush dress. Frank Shomo, Infant Survivor Of Johnstown Flood, Dies at 108 Blue and white barred gingham apron. Male. Dark hair and stubby beard mixed with gray. Found just below Lincoln bridge. Calico dress. Plain gold ring. Black cashmere dress. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. Striped waist, brown and white. Taken back to Johnstown, Pa. Right foot and leg deformed. A. Dewald, father, care of Jos. Black ribbed hose, with elastic supporters. Aged. Brown and white dress Barred gingham. Light barred knee pants. Small button shoes. Pocket-knife. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Brown eyes. Large very light mustache. O'Connell, of Washington street. Black hair. Age about twelve. The Johnstown Flood Antique Book History 1889 by Herman Dieck Illustrated RARE. Blue coat. Three gold rings placed on body. Johnstown's first call for help requested coffins and undertakers. Dark hair. Male child. Green purse. With George O'Brien, Florence Gilbert, Janet Gaynor, Anders Randolf. Blue gingham with white buttons. Age about four years. Lead dollar with hole in it. Black hair. Age sixty-nine. Height 5 feet Small rolled plate ear-drops. B.". Claimed by Wm. Barred calico dress. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Wife of Philip Myers Cinder street, Johnstown. Plain ring. Male. Cuff-buttons and collar-buttons. Blue wool skirt. 777 bodies were never identified, buried in unmarked graves. Found in water at Ten Acre. Two pair stockings. Cord braid at waist. Comb. Height about five feet eight inches. A catastrophic flood in 1889 killed more than 2,000 people. For more, visit the section about the 1889 flood in the Archives & Research section of this site. Black jersey. Flannel shirt. Red underwear. Black eardrops. Many were connected through business and social links to Carnegie Steel. Female. Plaid coat and vest Black cork-screw pants. Male. Age about three years. Female Weight 120 Height 5 feet 6 inches Heavy plaid jacket with marble shaped buttons, Male Age twelve to fourteen Black corduroy coat, with two plaits down the back. Prospect, June 11th. Gold ring. Blue spotted calico dress. Female. Weight 25. As railroads superseded canal barge transport, the Commonwealth abandoned the canal and sold it to the Pennsylvania Railroad. Blue striped calico dress Gray striped flannel underwear. Why is everyone hating The Red Cross now? : r/OutOfTheLoop - reddit Male. Female. $13.30 in change Open-faced silver watch. Buttoned shoes. Thin silver ring on third finger of left hand. Black pants with white thread run through. Pocket-book with $33.50. IED New Advertisements. Silver ring. Probably ten or twelve years of age. Age eight months. Age five years. Pittsburgh, Pa. Large gold ring on third finger of left hand. Although some were temporarily interred in makeshift memorial sites, 1,222 . Height 4 feet. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Sandy hair. Weight 150. Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. Black jersey. Button shoes with rubbers on. Dark high button shoes. Gingham waist. Light complexion. White. Height 5 feet 6 inches Brown hair. Dressmaker. Many people were crushed by pieces of debris, and others became caught in barbed wire from the wire factory upstream and/or drowned. Gray woolen undershirt. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Watch chain and two lockets. Very short nose. Earrings. Blue and white polka dog tie. Hair-pin. Russell all above-named articles. Female. Pocket-knife. Loesch. Two rubbers. Black dress. Weight about sixty-five. Weight 75 Height 4 feet 3 inches. Black pants with white thread. Buff dress with yellow, brown and black spots. Age about sixty five. 15 Walnut street. . A young lady. Male Pair of red socks. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Gum boots. Age about ten years. Black vest. Black dress and bustle Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Height 4 feet 10 inches White and black striped waist. Gray and black striped knee pants. Age about ten. Heavy gray beard on lower part of face. Male. Buried at St. John's Cemetery. $1.94 in cash. Taken by husband. Stout. Age fifteen. Following the 1936 flood, the United States Army Corps of Engineers dredged the Conemaugh River within the city and built concrete river walls, creating a channel nearly twenty feet deep. Age about nine months. Pin with square and compass. Sent to Morgue by Alexander Hart. Barefooted. Black stockings. Identified by the husband, Mark Drew. Male. Male. A medal monogram, "J. H. G.". Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Bunch of keys. Female. Female. White stockings, No. White woolen socks. Ear-drops, one broken. Gaiter shoes. Black dress skirt. Full face. Open-faced silver watch. Male. Weight 140. Now the lake is draining due to drought and climate change. Straw bonnet Black gloves One false tooth. Male Age twelve. In 2008, the bridge was restored in a project including new lighting as part of commemorative activities related to the flood. Weight 200 to 225. $5.00 in gold. Male. Male. Male. About fifteen years old. In an updated, the newspaper reported that Pennsylvania railroad officials said "that over 200 dead bodies have been counted floating down the . Gum coat. Sister of Capt. Mustache and beard. Weight 100 to 120. Female. Key and one cent. temporary shelters. Son of John W. Peydon, 179 Clinton street. Red woolen hose with black feet. Coleman, Neil M., Davis Todd, C., Myers, Reed A., Kaktins, Uldis (2009). 5 shoes. Male Age twenty. Weight 125. Purse. Buttoned shoes, spring heel. Purse with $200 gold. Male Age about three years No marks. One pin. Female. Age about thirty-five. One band ring. Dark brown hair. Two gold rings chased. Female. Identified by his son. A female. White stockings Pocketbook. Gray woolen shirt. Red sacque with blue trimming. Age unknown. [deleted] 6 yr. ago. Female. Dark hair. Two plain band rings. Age eighteen to twenty Height 5 feet 6 inches. Empty pocketbook. Dress alternate black and red with black flowers. The Johnstown Flood in rare pictures, 1889 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Dark hair mixed with gray. Blue plaid dress. Full face, full lips, small nose, light hair, pregnant. The South Fork Dam in Pennsylvania collapses on May 31, 1889, causing the Johnstown Flood, killing more than 2,200 people. Cash in wallet, $312.51. The Woman in the Photo by Mary Hogan | Goodreads Lace shoes Blue waist Black coat. The Relief Effort - Johnstown Area Heritage Association Weight 170. White cotton hose, foot mixed with blue. About 5 feet 6 inches height. Height about 5 feet 3 inches. Female. Fair complexion Long black hair. Child. Found in Millville, in the cellar of H. W. Given's store. Knee pants. Female. Blue eyes. Working clothes. Supposed to be child of J.M. Full suit of blue chevoit. Height five feet four inches. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Pet Stores in Hollsopple, PA. The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on Friday, . Knit purse with $7 75. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.. Weight 175. Female. Describe the flood that devastated Johnstown. Received valuables. The flood caused 17 million dollars in damages. Breast-pin. Heavy red wool coat. engraved thereon. Weight 110. Piece of tape. Weight 225. Ticket of admission to Johnstown Opera House Prospect, June 11th. Age three. Twelve years old. Plaid skirt, red and black. Summarizing the flood's impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Weight 225. Facts about the 1889 Flood - Johnstown Area Heritage Association Red calico dress. Light hair. No valuables. Height 4 feet 9 inches. Black hair. Height 4 feet 6 inches. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female. Light hair turning gray. Red and black flannel skirt. 0:00. Blue stockings. Male. Ring on forefinger of left hand. Black ribbed stockings. Height 5 feet 8 inches. One body was even recovered 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio (Coleman 2019). Match-safe. Small gold ring. Earring-drop. Hundreds of people were never found, and one out of every three bodies recovered would never be positively identified. Blue and white checkered bib. Brakeman Cambria Iron Co. Left eye gone. Piece of dress. 2023 Johnstown Area Heritage Association One small key. 1889 Johnstown Flood morgue records of found bodies Disk will be mailed pdf . Age about thirty-six. Age eighteen to twenty. Short nose. Small plain gold ring and one thimble. Black hair. Age about five years. Black hair. Young lady. Brown skirt with two bands. Identified by Homer. Black pants. Child. Daughter of Charles Prosser, of Cresson. White linen collar with brilliant collar-button. Female. Girl baby. Blue or hazel eyes. Thirty-six years. The Johnstown Dam Collapse and Flood 1889 (Disaster Documentary) Female. Ear-drops set with white glass sets. [25][26], The Johnstown Flood was the worst flood to hit the U.S. in the 19th century. Wore long stockings marked H. S. T. Female. Age eight or nine. Two rows of buttons, one on each side. Black knee breeches with white thread running through the material. Black and gray mixed coat. Age twenty-six. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Black cloth pantaloons. Age twenty-three. An 'avalanche of death': The flood of 1889 in Johnstown - pennlive Valuables placed on body. Small key. On May 31, 1889, the Johnstown Flood killed 2,209 people in southwest Pennsylvania when the South Fork Dam failed after days of heavy rain. Two pocket-knives. Pencil Several letters. Female. Very dark brown hair. Female. Trevor Hughes. 7, p.216. Conemaugh Borough, Pa. Two gold rings. Boilers exploded when the flood hit the Gautier Wire Works, causing black smoke seen by Johnstown residents. 5 Vintage Postcards JOHNSTOWN FLOOD Of 1936 Franklin St. Bridge Market R. 1936 Johnstown Flood~photo Postcard~never Used. Afterwards thought to be Miss Masterson. Full face. Black gray mixed pants. Red hair. Match safe. Blue dress. Effect on the development of American law. White. Dark eyes Right hand deformed. Papers, etc. Identified by her husband. Gold band ring. Green corded petticoat. Buried at Sandy Vale in lot of John Tittle. Brown calico dress, with large circular figure. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Light complexion. Earrings. Button shoes. Johnstown, Pa. Brought from Indiana Co., Pa. Weight 125. Lady's hunting-case gold watch and chain. Johnstown Flood, The Pennsylvania Disaster That Left 2,200 Dead Woolen dress. Gray eyes. Buckeye in pocket. Pocket knife, black handle, one blade. White. Blue eyes. Body nude. Combined with the failure of the Walnut Grove Dam less than a year later, the Flood brought national attention to the issue of dam safety.[29][30]. Red underwear. Identified by brother. Female. Age thirteen. Blue striped waist and dress. Red cloth dress. Blue calico waist. Blue calico dress with small yellow stripes. Fourth Ward Morgue. Blue waist, plaid dress. Barred underdress. Johnstown, Pa. Age thirty. Female. Plaid underskirt. Bracelets, seven strands and locket with initials, "E. M. Leather boots. Dark brown hair Weight 65. Long gold breast-pin. Philadelphia, PA: J.W. Age about thirty-seven. Weight 150. 7 congress gaiters. Medium build. . This month, authorities . Light hair. Dark brown hair. Eardrops with black sets. Brown waist. Bunch of keys Small book and papers. Weight 160. Red and blue striped petticoat. Male. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Here is a list of some of the most descriptive facts about the Johnstown flood. Two keys. Height 5 feet. Colored. Breast-pin. Middle-aged Full head dark brown hair. 1936 Press Photo A Flood Of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Which Was Flooded T . Gray woolen coat Blue calico waist. Identified by papers, watch, etc. Aged. Weight 140. Fortunately those rumors were false, but nonetheless, damage was extensive. Pocket-knife. Scapulars. Souvenir of Father Hollinger's scapular. Burnt beyond recognition. Gold ring with rhinestone set, rubbed with sand. Killed at Sheridan station, July 22d. Ring on right hand. Ring on third finger of left hand with set. Black clothes. Blue and white barred calico dress. Checkered waist. Telegraph instruments and chair found with body. Dark hair. Black stockings. First, the wealthy club owners had designed the club's financial structure to keep their personal assets separated from it and, secondly, it was difficult for any suit to prove that any particular owner had behaved negligently.
Ucla Undergraduate Research Assistant, Britney Taylor Antonio Brown Pictures, Articles J