She said she likes me a lot, I tell him.You mean she likes me a lot? hb```b``Uf`c`] B@16%h0 > `]!hP;"eqb1ij5,`F0_.X63KhXdt@D&HBDPPI0 a`X," B 2&a Mom and Dad's closet is off limits. He said, "I listen to instrumental jazz when Im writing, and I looked over to see what song it was and it was a song by Horace Silver called Filthy McNasty, and decided I am so going to use that name in this book.". Oh my gosh! Missing the game is similar to not attending to his father. Ruth Bishop said that poetry has a kind of magic and can help the reader see ordinary things in new ways. InThe Crossover,Alexander takes risks with his writing to authentically represent the culture of Josh, his family and friends. Dad tries to break the tension by talking about Christmas and the turkey. He asks Dad if they can stop at the sneaker store. His parents continue to press upon him the value of working hard and the importance of education. You know, that would be a high school novel, or a young adult novel, or an adult novel for that matter. The significance of this comes across when Josh says, There are no coaches at funerals. One of those actions leads Josh to write an apology letter to his brother. The Crossover is a wonderful mentor text for adolescent writers. They will be able to relate to the topic, theme, setting and emotion conveyed in the story. Devon, good question. As Josh plays in the final game of the season, his Dad dies from a massive heart attack. And so the next poem starts with a definition: Seventh grader Matthew Goulette wonders where Alexanders ideas for The Crossover came from. Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop makes the point that in multicultural literature, a characters humanity should come through. Given that Dad's dad died in the hospital of hypertension, it's understandable that Dad is unwilling to seek help out of fear. In the locker room. The words and rhythmic flow of these words on the page depict Joshs inner thoughts; his flow on the court. This is the beginning of a big change in Josh and JBs relationship. Josh wants a world outside of basketball, and he wants his relationship with JB to remain unchanged. And so, I was like, 'I gotta use this word.' What does her reacti At 7:45, she asks about the score and how. Josh isnt a clich; he truly seems to be a living, breathing boy who experiences real feelings of despair, triumph, pride, jealousy, and confusion. Just because he wants to repair his relationship with JB, does not mean he still doesnt have trouble with Alexis. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Complete your free account to request a guide. The paired text students will look at is Michael Jordan's 2003 Retirement Letter, also titled "Dear Basketball."In 2015, Bryant announced his retirement . Josh is busy taking his vocabulary test when, Josh doesn't pay any attention to his teacher or the dummy and instead he watches, Conversation. 0000012066 00000 n Teachers and parents! In this poem, the author uses short, choppy lines to convey a sense of urgency; this narrates the story of Joshs dads heart attack. As in: Dad's in a comabecause of a myocardial infarction,which is the same thingmy grandfather died of.So what does that mean for meand JB? However, some parts of the book are written as a lyric poem, which is melodic and soundlike. No warm-up. This shows how much he respects and leans on his coach to show him the way when he is unsure. We see a deep bond between all the family members in the weekly traditions they have, the way they interact with each other, the things they say to each other. 1079 0 obj <> endobj JB asks.And even though I never opened my mouth,I say, Thanks,becauseit is. Mom asks how they met and JB is full of details, explaining how she came into the lunchroom, how he learned she played basketball, and how he told Vondie she was pulchritudinous. I'm sorry These poems are also concrete poems, taking on the shape of the words to further represent how Josh feels when he plays basketball. Change). Kwame was also the 2018 NEA Read Across America ambassador. How does he apologize to his twin brother for being churlish and almost breaking his nose? Tomorrow Is the Last Day of School Before Christmas Vacation. And when I was born he was a PhD. Though Miss Sweet Tea didn't intend to pull the boys apart, she now feels compelled to do so since her loyalty lies with JB and not at all with Josh. 10. Again, Dad's willingness to call Josh by his name shows that Dad respects that both of his sons are growing, changing, and taking control of their identities in perfectly normal ways. 10. Assign this text to your students for free. Thus, readers come to know how the power of words and vibrant language evoke deep emotional responses as we read about Joshs life. Kwame Alexander "Dear Jordan" from THE CROSSOVER by Kwame Alexander. Recently, he lead a delegation of twenty writers and activists to Ghana where they delivered books, built a library and provided literacy professional development to teachers. Now that Josh understands that Dad is ill, this strange panting raises alarms--which shows that Josh is growing up and becoming more aware of his surroundings. There is so much to unpack in this wonderfully written book that it would be easy to stop and analyze every single page; the figurative language, the formatting, the authors message. 0000010816 00000 n PDF The Crossover Book Pdf - Sex Symptoms like this suggest that Dad is at high risk for a heart attack or a stroke. In this activity, they will complete a Poem Analysis & Compare/Contrast Paired Text Activity. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Dad replies sadly that he let them down, and Josh asks what he should do. At Rutland Town School, the students put themselves in Joshs shoes and tried writing their own letters to Jordan, whose nickname is JB. His mother made him cut off the rest. Refine any search. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Josh, 15 On the surface level, this quote refers to Josh's hairhis beloved dreadlocks that he feels differentiate him from others and give him power and charisma on the court. Alexiss parents are estranged. "Jordan" is thought by most critics to allude to the Jordan River that is important to the people of Israel in the Old and New Testaments. Though Josh never says so outright, this moment also suggests that he may have inherited or learned his love of English from Dad as well. Theyre not alone. Devon Kibbey: How did you decide that you were going to write the story from Joshs perspective? Josh that he's mean and doesn't deserve the distinction, especially after what he did to. His nosebleed and his vomiting are finally enough to get him to let Crystal make him a doctors appointment, but, as the reader will see, it is too little, too late. He wants the boys to be their own people, and he wants them to know that becoming someone different is okay and expected. What does he think, I'm stupid? JB is on the other side of the backseat, but Josh feels miles away from all of them. Though we see female characters present in the story, they are only secondary characters that further define the role of the male in the story. In other words, just as the boys have choices in regards to their basketball success, they also have the choice to make up or continue their feud. As Josh pulls out the book, he sees Miss Sweet Tea and, also afraid that Mom will reach her tipping point and ban basketball if he and, tomorrow, concerned about Dad, and hates how his hair feels, he can't sleep mostly because, Surprised. 4. After dinner, Dad takes Josh and. The students at Rutland Town School had some questions for the author. As the boys walk home from practice, Josh peppers, After dinner. When Mom and Josh are washing dishes, he asks when Dads appointment is. (LogOut/ His life is broken like puzzle pieces and he can no longer fit. Before. When Dad holds his chest, it's a signal that he's not okay and he's likely lying to Josh. We see this form emerge in Joshs thoughts about his game. As he meditates, Josh sees a picture of, Second-Person. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Showing this tiny bit of positive regard suggests that JB is now willing to listen to Josh and rebuild their relationship. Dad is gone "like the end of a good song. 0000011131 00000 n Just because he is elated to be the Daily News Junior MVP, doesnt mean it doesnt sting when Alexis and JB dont seem pleased at all. Kyle DelBianco: Why did you choose to write the book in poetry form? This family creates a strong foundation for the boys to continuously go back to as they seek to find their way through the muck of adolescence. The Children's Bookshow | Week Five: Kwame Alexander In a letter to JB, written in two columns that can be read together or separately, Josh says that without his brother, he's empty. The Crossover Third Quarter Summary & Analysis | LitCharts The The Crossover quotes below are all either spoken by JB or refer to JB. JB sweats profusely when Miss Sweet Tea walks into the room. 0000007152 00000 n When he's able to steal the ball out of Josh's crossover, it speaks to the skills he still has on the court and the progress that Josh still has to make in order to become Da Man.. The Crossover Characters Next Josh Josh Josh is the twelve-year-old protagonist of the novel. The way the content is organized. Dylan DiPietro: How did you react when you learned that The Crossover won the 2015 Newbury Award? Josh's concern that Dad won't be around to parent him shows again that he's still very much a kid and isn't ready to grow up yet. And so that was the first character that I created. Thus, they will be able to create characters based on what they know or what they want to see reflected in literature. Yeah, its sort of still a little tough to talk about because its overwhelming. He's nearly six feet tall and has a twin, JB. Ruth Bishop said that poetry "has a kind of magic and can help the reader see ordinary things in new ways." She was a VPR contributor from 2006 to 2020. Mom's amendment in particular betrays that this is likely more serious than she's letting on. Discover award-winning poet Grace Nichols. Da's pulse is gone. i6rUU-jIT "/}N3t,neS>3%#O;(a46"poKR}l'ySlaAOEtV6`=vL nq. He and JB lock eyes; theres that seeing-a-ghost sensation again. 0000038553 00000 n 4.7. He's alone because, game. Josh gets a lot of accolades for being the Junior High MVP but Miss Sweet Tea tells him frankly that he is mean and did not deserve that award because of what he did to JB. He's survived by his wife (Mom) and his twin sons, Josh and, to look in the coffin. He also thinks that it's ironic that, drills, Coach leads the team in meditation. He adds that Mom said Josh could play if they make it to the championship game. 0000007127 00000 n We see a strong marriage through the eyes of Josh; a relationship so strong he often alludes to the fact that he knows his parents are having sex; and though this appears to gross him out we can read between the lines to see his relief that all is good. Miss Sweet Tea shooting baskets at the other court. 0000003750 00000 n Or what is his goal? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Now that Josh's actions have hurt someone, his sense of loneliness gets even worse. I mean, what better way to capture that movement from the court, and to put that on the page, than through poetry? The characters listen to the same music as they do, covet the same shoes, use the same slang. Now can you go make my French toast please?.
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