The Apostle Paul clearly indicated that although Israel is being chastened by the Lord during the Church age, He has not abandoned the nation and when the fulness of the Gentiles has come in, all Israel shall be saved (Romans 11:25-26). NEITHER Jew NOR Greekfor ye are ALL ONE in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). So Nebuzaradan encourages him more specifically to go back to Gedaliah, to whom he was originally sent (39:14), and even give him food and a present ($$?) I tried to imagine something that would educate believers in biblical theology and a Christian worldview while not boring anyone to sleep. $5 / month. However, as our ministry grows, we intend to add a variety of shows that encompass several topics such as evangelism, worship, discipleship, and more. The main lesson is simply this: God will preserve a remnant. Kidner: The name Ramah, meaning a height, belonged to several places, but the most likely of these would be a town about six miles north of Jerusalem, two or three miles from Mizpah. In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon has a conversation with the hosts of Remnant Radio (Joshua Lewis & Michael Rowntree) regarding Fallen Angels and the Nephilim. So whatever comes we can respond in faith, the kind of faith that overcomes our lack of experience. Jeremiah wrote: Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. GOD ALWAYS PRESERVES, PROTECTS AND PROVIDES FOR HIS PEOPLE. The Remnant Radio's Podcast The Remnant Radio One on one evangelism: With Scott McNamara In this Theology Podcast Josh Lewis with "The Remnant Radio" and Scott McNamara from "Jesus at the door" discuss why the church has had such a hard time harvesting in the ministry of evangelism, and how we can remedy that problem. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Buckle up! KWR0031 - For Valor - Defending the Faith for Those of Worth. Replacement Theology & Remnant Theology - The Herald of Hope is the Senior Pastor at Mount Zion Road Church in Lebanon, PA. The hosts seem like good guys and are very knowledgeable about theology. The Remnant Radio's Podcast. Feinberg: Everything was being done to hasten the return to normal peaceful conditions. Bad Hands 03. Replacement Theology is a blatant denial of Scripture which says, Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? (Romans 11:12,15). If the doctrine can stand under intense scrutiny, then it must be legitimate. By Gods grace, Luther and the other reformers began to see the scriptures with open eyes free of religious opinions, rules, and regulations. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Antisemitism is the natural result. Facebook: Favorite Books Rowntree's Church Bridgeway Miller's Church Reclamation Church Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off Gospel Of Mark Group Packets Free Ebook Mini E-course & Spirit School Of Ministry (117 Video Discipleship Course) Classroom: Use Promo Code "Remnant" for 10% off Kairos Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off the show, 1950's Healing Revivals: A Review & Honest Assessment, 1950's Healing Revivals: A Review & Honest AssessmentDonate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! We do this so that our audience can be educated in critical thinking and biblical exegesis. Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light Impacting the World around Us Or Good for Nothing? The decomposition of metaphysical systems leaves "remnants," not "an aesthetics of trash" which restores identity in the guise of its opposite, but an "aesthetics of recycling," repetition or simulacrum of remnants. Remnant's Thoughts On The Asbury Revival! Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. . (:7-12) GOD PRESERVES, PROTECTS AND PROVIDES FOR A REMNANT IN THE LAND , MILITARY COMMANDERS AND JEWS REGATHER AT MIZPAH UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF GEDALIAH, A. Generally, scripture requires us to be watchful, vigilant in prayer, and always open-hearted to Gods leading and exercise clear thinking about the facts of a situation. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Trevor Laurence, Joshua Lewis, and Michael Rowntree discuss the imprecatory psalms and their implications in the Christian Life, their biblical-theological framework, and how they can and should be incorporated in our liturgy and worship.Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! (:7-8) Regathering of Guerilla Military Units, Now all the commanders of the forces that were in the field, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam over the land and that he had put him in charge of the men, women and children, those of the poorest of the land who had not been exiled to Babylon.. Events moved much faster than they could imagine.. One week we may have a Calvinist on discussing eternal security, the next week we may have an Anglican bishop discussing Apostolic succession, and the week after that we might have someone talking about the gift of tongues. It is maintained that the New Covenant has been made with Israel already, not with the nation, but with the remnant, and that these constitute the olive tree into which the Gentiles, as a wild olive branch have been grafted. We are talking about Imprecatory Psalms! The Remnant Radio's Podcast Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story May 24, 2021 The Remnant Radio Season 1. What is conditional prophecy? PO Box 4216 It is obvious that Nebuchadnezzar had lost all faith in the house of David. He would have been wise to seek the Lords will through Jeremiah and then follow it. From here the deportees would be set off for Babylonia. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. His dealings with the last three kings of Judah were disappointing in the extreme. (Feinberg), Then Jeremiah went to Mizpah to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam and stayed with him among the people who were left in the land., Jerusalem had been destroyed; Gedaliah establishing his base of operations out of Mizpah. The Veil Nebula in Cygnus is well known. Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story. Here is a short video. The Remnant Radio's Podcast on Amazon Music Extreme Beauty: Aesthetics, Politics, Death [PDF] [1po8cv9oq810] They may be scattered over the face of the earth. "The Remnant Radio's Podcast" Thoughts on The Prosperity Gospel The Church consists of Jews and Gentiles who, through the Gospel have been saved, and are fellow heirs in one body. . Replacement Theology is Christendoms dominant view concerning Israel and the Church. They all died and it was before iPhones and the printing press, so cant be sure. What Does Remnant Mean in the Bible - Remnant Definition - In our opinion, based on past experiences, the best way to test orthodoxy is by embracing diversity. The Remnant Radio is a theology podcast that breaks people out of their theological echo chambers by interviewing pastors, teachers, historians, and theologians from different traditions and denominations. "Today we are looking at passages you won't find illustrated in the precious moments Bible! He loved his people in spite of their mistreatment, hatred, and threats on his life. Their imprisonment and persecution of him accomplished nothing for them except to give evidence of their continued rebellion. Supernova Remnants Expand Quickly. Our Milky Way has some 300 or more scattered supernova remnants that appear as beautiful nebulae. So many people are desperate for a place where they can learn theology without all the angry ad hominem that comes with YouTube theologians. The kind of Christian that responds rightly with obedient courage when God says, surrender to Babylon. The main lesson is simply this: God will preserve a remnant. They typically have been in christian circles long Yellow Flags and Fake Flowers Today more than every, the American church needs a smell test for fake leaders. Thus they divide the Body of Christ and raise a wall of partition between Jew and Gentile believers in these last days. With special care to responsibly teach about the gifts of the Spirit, the team at Remnant Radio want to create a place for believers to learn about, witness, and practice these gifts of the Spirit. When Paul wrote to the Hebrews he went to great lengths to teach the Jews that the Law was only a shadow of things to come and that Christ had fulfilled the Law. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. However, the Bible says that the new covenant is made with the NATION of Israel, and NOT a remnant; with the house of Israel and the house of Judah (Jeremiah 31:31). Facebook: Favorite Books Rowntree's Church Bridgeway Miller's Church Reclamation Church Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off Gospel Of Mark Group Packets Free Ebook Mini E-course & Spirit School Of Ministry (117 Video Discipleship Course) Classroom: Use Promo Code "Remnant" for 10% off Kairos Classroom: Use Promo Code Remnant for 10% off the show, Imprecatory Psalms: Interview with Trevor Laurence, "Lord, help me love my neighbor, also would you knock out the teeth of my enemy and break their jaws? (:4) Some Options Remain Open for Jeremiah, But now, behold, I am freeing you today from the chains which are on your hands. Jeremiah 27:1-11), so he did not want a Babylonian puppet governing Judah. (:11) Recognizing the Opportunity to Remain in Judah, Likewise, also all the Jews who were in Moab and among the sons of Ammon and in Edom and who were in all the other countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant for Judah, and that he had appointed over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan., Then all the Jews returned from all the places to which they had been driven away and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah at Mizpah, and gathered in wine and summer fruit in great abundance., III. Meaning of the Term: Atonement The theological meaning of the word can be explained by a simple clich that is at the same time accurate, atonement means at-one-ment; to atone is to reconcile a broken relationship on behalf of another.