66. r/hoi4. 1.4K. Create 2 army templates: One 16-width with Engineers and One 16-width with Engineers & Anti-air. Research all rocket, nuclear and jet technologies. This way divisions which will retreat will do so to the empty middle tile that your armies surround. Declare both wars simultaneously, drawing Romania and Italy into a war with Germany. Also easily accomplished as fascist as Germany will use your territory to bypass the Maginot Line typically resulting in your control of northern France upon their capitulation. After the civil war focus on getting more manpower and factories. One option is to turn off historical, but manually set Japan, China, Communist China, the Baltics, and Poland to follow their historical paths (setting countries to Historical never disables achievements). Have one of your spies take a Suicide Pill. Dismantle the faction, declare war on the Soviet Union after Germany is pushing east. How to use nukes in Hearts of Iron 4 | PCGamesN Upon taking "Utilize the Leagues", you will have access to decisions of boosting fascist and non-aligned popularity. Start building up your industry and go for 'Surrender the East'. Any combination of countries in the middle is possible though, like going through Romania and then north of the Black Sea instead of over the Bosphorus, or even via China and French Indochina instead of the Raj. Achieve air superiority over and nuke the rebels. At least 10 Battleships As Ethiopia, go communist and take all the states that border the Red Sea. Try to keep the rest of the Comintern out of the war against the US to prevent them from gaining war score. This achievement works well with "The Soviet Onion" as you can have all your borders covered by puppets and only have to worry about garrisoning ports after Germany attacks. VE = Very Easy, E = Easy, M = Medium, H = Hard, VH = Very Hard, I = Insane, UC = Uncategorized. Organize your troops on the frontiers with France and Poland, but create one army with all your light tanks. Can be combined with "Cut The Strings" (just do it after dropping the nuke). When the war with the Soviets is over, either puppet or annex them. cigankole 5 hr. Information, Frequently Asked Wait for Allies to fight Italy in North Africa. After defeating the Allies, you should have a large enough army and economy to take on China and Japan yourself. Privacy Policy. After capitulating and annexing the United States, prepare a naval invasion force and fleet to attack the UK. After that, use your industrial capacity to build up a military, conquer Germany and the Axis and finally, start a war with the Allies (. Set some factories to build Transport Planes. Guarding your ports and continually taking propaganda decisions will get you to 30 in around 5 years. has full control of Ile de France. If China falls you can alone keep Japan away at the border and look out for Siam because it can turn Fascist by Japanese Focus. Some capital ships might escape to Malta, East Africa or the Caribbean, use carriers with naval bombers on Port Strike to find and sink them. So depending on whether you started the game with historical AI on or off, you may have to capitulate The Allies. Countries keep fighting after capitulating :: Hearts of Iron IV General Peacefully annex other countries with your king's focuses. Author, speaker, filmmaker. Major powers refer to ones with the highest number of factories, within the top 7 or 70% of the average of the top 7, updated monthly. Prepare two Naval Invasions to Hull and Edinburgh. The first month(s) of the war are the hardest, you can't lose any tiles and have to constantly monitor where more divisions need to be relocated to keep holding the lines (first months therefore on speed 4). Go communist, Seek the Support of the Soviets. Once you are done with Ethiopia, you can start justifying on France, switch your mountaineer to normal infantry template and train 7-8 paratrooper divisions as soon as you are done with paratrooper research. Declare on Finland, but only annex land and click Done. As Portugal, join the same faction as Great Britain. Take Fascism route for independence, justify war on Portugal (don't leave Allies) and take their colonies - should be done before start of WWII. Ignore Africa for now. Once I am puppetted can I get my independence back? You might have to run propaganda missions to lower their stability. Don't develop any political branch in national focus tree. However, the latter does take longer to get results from. Start your focuses with one of the three military branch focuses, basically you want all that leads to Supermarina, Superecescito, and Superaereo as you will only have a small window of opportunity to complete these focuses, though you can ignore Supermarina if you have no wish to play with the navy. The XP needed to create such a template can be gained by sending volunteer divisions to the spanish civil war. You do not have to go to war and simply need enough political power to repeat the decisions. Sweden should have put most of their divisions on your border, but only rarely do they put any in Stockholm. note this is only possible if you have already refused the army restrictions). Take as much territory and then join their war against the allies. Because you'll have to fight the Allies and for that, you need a fair amount of good divisions. Take the Move to Secure the Dominion focus as soon as you switch communist, and start justifying on the Philippines, since that won't raise WT by much but still make sure the US gets involved. However, there is a small chance that Sweden gets guaranteed after you capitulate Norway. Would be nice if they just made it so nations that have fully capitulated (no more territory left) will be divided up and stop resisting as much. Press J to jump to the feed. Now go for "Anti-British propaganda" decision. May be completed with Bad Romeance. After doing this 3 times or so, send 9 of your soldiers to Istanbul, cutting off the Turkish forces from supplies. If Iran is in the peace deal as well, make sure to annex Hamadan. Research fighters and Strategic Bombers. Countries in HOI4 are either major countries or minor countries. Join. If they agree, you will get an "Arranged Territorial Expansion" in Palestine. r/hoi4 on Reddit: Capture cipher operation not showing up? already So only start boosting in provinces controlled by your enemies. Play as any South American nation if you want to AFK. A naval invasion may help you reach Kenya before the Italians do. No D. Finally, since you asked and got military access to both Germany and Italy during your war with the Soviets, you can simply walk some divisions into Italy and have them sit in one of the required states. Then, put troops on the border with Poland and help Germany take out Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, and France to get as much war score as possible. Stay on speed 5 the whole time. Develop, build and deploy a nuclear bomb (remember about getting some strategic bombers and fighters for air superiority). 26 days ago. Best done by joining the Comintern, as the USSR will never take or puppet any land in China. Option 2: Turn fascist and join the Axis. Kick the Italians out of Albania and if you get an opening, try launching a naval invasion at Italy and capitulate them to get more war score. Karelia is easy enough to reconquer that ceding it causes no real problem. If they do so - start justyfing, start war, win, annex. Paras might work, but it's really not necessary. Why would you surrender if you live on a decent sized island, and have naval and air superiority? Try finishing the focuses Superesercito, Superaereo, and Supermarina during this war as you will not get another chance until much later. Start as UK (don't unpause) and release Egypt as a puppet (check "Play as" when the checkbox appears). The column denotes achievements which can't be completed without the use of DLC mechanics (currently 79 out of 171). When the Trotsky seeks refuge event pops up, choose to invite him into the government. Note: invalid_for_danzig_achievement flag fires when Germany declares war on France. If everything done correctly, you can get this achievement by 1942. warsaw_liberated_self_flag gets set if resistance hits 90 in a. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What happens after my country capitulates? : r/hoi4 - Reddit Place the army on the Bulgarian Border. Puppet Transylvania in peace conference and give them all Romanian territory. Wait until Germany declares war on Poland. r/hoi4. Safer to do in non-historical as Germany will often take longer to get their war goals and UK often end up not guaranteeing either. Don't forget to increase the number of factories assigned to A-A/Enigeers after Infantry equipment has a good amount off them. does not have country flag: invalid_for_danzig_achievement Once Communist, declare on Austria and finish the war before the Anschluss. Rush the fascist focuses. As China, puppet and then annex Yunnan and Guangxi Clique. Get as much war participation as possible and puppet both in the peace conference. Then head to "Force Abdication". Move your navy into the Mediterranean to avoid being cut off by Britain and then justify a war on them (or anyone in the Allies), you will be able to get military access from Italy this way (or potentially before this). Try to avoid direct confrontations with their troops if possible. Help the axis capitulate the allies and Comintern, and grab South Georgia (an island off the coast of Argentina) from the British, and Georgia (a Soviet state in the Caucasus region) from the USSR. Accept the call to arms and invite the rest of the Axis. welcome to the "make peace" mod. The Focuses "The Belorussian Army" and "The Ruthenian Army" can help you get a few of those divisions if your manpower is (to) low. With La Resistance DLC you can use an agent and assign him diplomatic pressure on majors, it will make getting the achievement even easier. In this case, using ic or instantconstruction has the same effect in-game. As Czechoslovakia, occupy Canberra while at war with the Allies. Immediately declare war on Britain and annex them. Taking Moscow and Leningrad leaves you well positioned for 15% warscore, which you can further secure by pivoting east and reach for the Urals. Now it is time to take the Triumph in Africa focus, once it completes go to the Balance of Power and take all the decisions which push the power to the left (red). Vichy France already owns more than 5 non-contiguous states (islands count as non-contiguous) so annexing them in the peace deal will grant the achievement. Beginner's guide - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis While waiting for the Sinkiang justification get a chief of army so you can build army XP and get Ideological Loyalty for the +500 manpower per week. In the meantime you can annex or puppet Greece and Romania with naval invasions with "Reclaim the Makedonyal Sanjak" claim. If not enough air superiority, use your own interceptors or wait for the Allies. Use templates from. Once the civil war ends you can send ultimatums to the Baltic countries and Finland, defeating them and taking the land if they refuse. One possible route is this: Go to "Assemble the regency council" then "Fulfill the 5th of November Act". This is best done in a run where the emperor stays thanks to the massive boost to compliance gain that the "Elect of God" focus grants. After they fall you will get control of the axis giving you the achievement. Once Strengthen the Papacy focus is complete, take Utilize the Blackshirt focus. At the start of the game, justify and declare war on Poland and call. Justify and declare war on Germany too. conquering Australia as Czechoslovakia or reaching 1948 as France without ever surrendering). From there just keep beating the Brits and building new ships and bombers (importing Oil for fuel if needed) until your fleet sinks the Hood and unlocks the achievement. Declare war (you will get embargoed by a lot of countries for this) and simply defeat them. You can detour and get your 5th research slot as well as The New Emperor of Ethiopia and Topple the Amhara Rulers focuses if you wish. Another way to do this Achievement is to turn Historical focuses off. The AI will always accept, as there is a whopping +1000 positive modifier for the AI to accept a request to become Spymaster if the asking country is controlled by a player. Dock in Morocco for range. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can only train 75% of the manpower currently on the field with a minimum of 100.00K. It is important to keep WT under 50% if possible while the invasion of the US is ongoing, since above that they will be able to join factions and thus ally themselves with France, making it necessary to capitulate France as well before it is possible to puppet the US. Germany should invade Poland and signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact will give you all of eastern Poland, Justify war goals on Tannu Tuva and Mongolia as they remained loyal to Stalin and take their land. The fighter / CAS planes you get at the start of the game you should be enough to get air superiority. The "DI" column is for difficulty as assessed by wiki editors. Which king (or queen) you choose is up to you, I would advise either Friedrich Christian or Michal II. Exile Calles to hire the Democratic advisor, then go down the Spanish Refugees branch to Hispanic Alliance or Bolivarian Alliance (wait until you have completed either focus to transition to Democracy). It is easy to do if you go for the Megali Idea which potentially can have you, UK, and France agree to split up Turkey and all attack Turkey. Don't ask for help in the war. You can manage several things from here, including leaving the faction. The Allies usually naval invades the part of the Germany that borders the North Sea and that is your backyard. Justify on the most expensive Siberian states to reduce their cost at the peace conference. As of patch 1.6, the United States might stay out of the war entirely if not attacked by Japan. Restore Byzantium and have Italy, Romania, and Russia as subjects. Can be done easily if siding with Germans. Rush the focus tree until you will do "Expand to the Suez" focus. If you train regular forces and raise the special forces cap through Focus and Research you can easily make 9-10 units around '42/'43, Move them to Malta, make a paradrop order on Rome, and click execute. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Start the game with historical AI and follow the focus tree down the communist route. This will make faction members move divisions to your border with Germany, thus making your defense somewhat easier. North, South and middle korea : r/hoi4 - reddit.com In 1938 Germany will declare war and drag the Allies in even before they declare on Poland or Czech. Prepare a naval invasion from the port in Northeast Siberia to Vancouver and get war goals on the Philippines and British Malaya through your focus tree. Just be aware that you cannot unlock this achievement if you do the "National Steel Car.".