Although the Campaign Group did not require members to adhere to a particular set of policies, the group did occasionally set out statements of principle. I often buy WD40 not as a lubricant, but to remove silicone sealant from around my shower/sink etc. preparing the ground for a breakaway party (otherwise why the staff and funding?) Ian Byrne MP Corrupt or corrupted? So, each Campaign Group member agreed to buy one set of bolt-cutters and donate to the Greenham Women. [38], Labour's electoral college was weighted 40% to affiliated unions, 30% to Constituency Labour Parties (CLPs) and 30% to MPs in the Parliamentary Labour Party. John McDonnell, then Chair of the Socialist Campaign Group, argued "Our sincere hope is that the prime minister desists from relying upon a [David] Cameron coalition to force his education policies through in the face of this overwhelming opposition within the parliamentary Labour party. 18 Socialist Campaign Group MPs sign call for Corbyn - LabourList Diane Abbott MP The right to mass media which provides accurate news, free from bias or distortion, and a diversity of views. Organisation [ edit] But while the vast majority are struggling to get by, its boom time for the privileged few who are getting ever richer and the corporations raking in record profits. The SCG statement comes as Keir Starmer heard warnings at a meeting with Jewish community groups on Wednesday that the actions of leading figures on the left and within the trade union movement risked hindering his attempt to win back trust. Mary Foy MP Socialist Campaign Group urges Labour to reinstate Ken Loach Following the 1997 General Election, 7% of Labour MPs were members of the Campaign Group. Is this: Some activists have been campaigning for this to end for over 20 years. The site is provided free of charge but depends on the support of its readers to be viable. The result, boosted by a higher than expected turnout despite the coronavirus pandemic, comes as a surprise after the Socialists had lost most of their advantage in recent opinion polls, and means Portugal will have a stable government to oversee the application of EU pandemic recovery funds. Can that be possible thats an issue to consider when instigating a new organisational and legal and financial structure?? For doing precisely sod all if they so choose. Yes, Starmers turning up to commemorate the 13 citizens murdered by the British Estalishment. The groups strategy document, of which Skwawkbox exclusively obtained a copy, makes clear that it aims to steer Keir Starmer rather than resisting or replacing him. An MPs Strategic Coordination Proposal document, obtained by Skwawkbox, says that the groups budget to March of this year will be almost 32,000, with a first year of operations costing 133,000. Beth Winter MP, John Hendy He should be reinstated as soon as possible so we can focus on implementing the EHRC recommendations., Statement following tonights meeting of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. Not sure what to make of it I quite like Clive Lewis and Dawn Butler. The Campaign Group backed Eric Heffer and Michael Meacher in their unsuccessful bids for the leadership and deputy leadership in 1983. Thats a sign of a lightweight. I couldnt agree more. Jeremy Corbyn will be turning up for the fifty years commemoration since thirteen civilians were murdered by Crown forces on the streets of Derry.Fifty years and still no justice for the murders of innocent civilians.Jeremy Corbyn has always been in the right place at the right time to support the victims of British Occupation of partitioned Ireland.God bless him and all peacemakers. and it is a brilliant film definitely to be recommended! The defeat of Jeremy Corbyn has given the right inside and outside the Labour Party a mandate to press ahead with their campaign against the left. Why would you follow AOC FGS? Something I am in full agreement with you is, Labour fake left SOG AKA The Squad! It is the funds from hidden and unknown sources which This session will also be live on TWTtv - sign up here, for free. If you wish to republish this post for non-commercial use, you are welcome to do so seeherefor more. Both McDonnell and Meacher agreed that whichever of them had the support of fewer Labour MPs at the point of Tony Blair's resignation would withdraw from the campaign and support the other. [64] Owen Smith secured the required nominations to run against him. Sam Gorst, Labour councillor for Liverpool's Cressington ward, was . The Socialist Campaign Group, officially the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs and also known as the Campaign Group, is a left-wing, democratic socialist grouping of the Labour Party 's Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. THE Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs called on the party to immediately reinstate the membership of filmmaker and anti-racist Ken Loach today. Really?! [53] The Blairite wing of the Labour Party (including Blair himself) celebrated this reform, believing that the changes would mean that "the next Labour leader will be a Blairite". Hope Im not proved wrong. Labour has been served with an unlawful act notice on the basis of the investigation by the EHRC. Members of the Campaign Group have been the first to be at the forefront of mass campaigns on trade union rights, private equity, council housing, public services and against the war We consistently raise uncomfortable issues and support campaigns that no other parliamentarians will touch, on issues like asylum, deportations, international trade union and human rights, campaigns for those killed or injured at work, safety of vulnerable workers, including sex workers, cuts in legal aid and English for speakers of other languages funding. Exclusive: Demand For Special Labour Conference As Pressure Mounts On Its the electoral equivalent of a drunk looking in the light of a street lamp, for something lost in the dark across the road. Its 17 . [74], As of 2008 the editorial board was Jim Mortimer (chair), Diane Abbott MP, Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Anni Marjoram, Bill Michie MP and Pete Willsman. "[12], The scale of public opposition in both polls and in the streets have been identified as one of the key causes of the end of Thatcher's premiership.[13]. Just wonder if this is the prelude to a leadership bid by at least a couple of them. Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP The injustice against the Palestinian people is intensifying. As we can all see thats been a rip-roaring success. Only one of the eleven (Kim Johnson) voted against the welfare cap. Obviously not the ones paid a 600,000 bonus for screwing Corbyn. "[26], With Tory support, the reforms were eventually passed by 422 to 98 votes. We all kow what they should be doing is planning a new party. Starmer attended the talks with reps from the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Labour Movement, the Jewish Leadership Council and the Community Security Trust alongside deputy leader Angela Rayner and general secretary David Evans. My grandfather was apprenticed to be a plumber before he joined the colours and went off to the Somme. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. More than 80,000/pa and theyre skimming money from their training budgets (which surely is meant for training) to fund this? Is not Starmer doing both with HQ staff? Tahir Ali MP However, they did not respond when asked to confirm explicitly to confirm that this meant there was no intention ever to leave the SCG and to clarify who would be considered qualified to join, there was no response. Distasteful might have been better. Socialist Campaign Group - Wikispooks A caucus of eleven new left Labour MPs and an MSP from the Socialist Campaign Group (SCG) of left-wing Labour MPs have agreed to set up a separate group with its own funding, priorities and at least one staff member. Conrad Landin, Selective History Sidecar the beginning of PMQ. Socialist Campaign Group MPs are doubtful that a candidate could secure the 40 MP nominations required to stand against an incumbent leader. Labour's Silence on Apsana Begum Shows How Morally Bankrupt the Party [9] Tony Benn described the relationship of the campaign against the Poll Tax with the Labour Party: "The main credit for defeating this monstrosity [the Poll Tax] must go to those, first in Scotland and then in England and Wales, who organised the anti-poll tax unions and the federation that brought them together, for without their brilliant leadership and the mass rallies which they organised the Tories might just have got away with it. However, many of these references are either misquoted or based on outdated science and the many, newer peer-reviewed studies are either misrepresented or not referenced at all. He is aiming to pass a bill banning MPs from taking any money from oil and gas companies, Labour MP for Hemsworth, Former Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office and Parliamentary Private Secretary to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Much was submitted -including some put together by JVL of PS this is not a invitation to f and blind..! Thank you for signing up - Socialist Campaign Group For other uses, see, Opposition to the Iraq War & founding the Stop The War Coalition. Jon Trickett MP Fair weather socialists (?) Trying to save their own necks more like. On Monday evening, MPs from the Socialist Campaign Group (SCG) issued a statement through Twitter denouncing the government's coronavirus policy as "class war.". I have tried highlighting the injustice of the 550,000 British overseas pensioners who have been shafted by successive governments. [35] Following this defeat Kinnock introduced a Policy Review, which many on the left thought would lead to an abandonment of the party's commitment to Clause IV, public ownership and the transformation of society. Peter Barberis, John McHugh and Mike Tyldesley. If he turned up, plenty of people would choose to commemorate elsewhere. At that time the left on the NEC predicted that the new rule would rebound against democracy in the entire party including the soft left who voted for it. Hmmmmm. Mick Whitley MP "[8], During the 198485 miners' strike MPs from the Socialist Campaign Group took action to support the striking miners by visiting picket lines and raising money to be donated to the miners' relief centres. She was sacked from Cabinet the following year. Nearly every one of the twenty-odd ex-members of the Campaign Group sitting in the 198792 Parliament was appointed to the front bench shortly after leaving the group. Two minutes before the deadline Corbyn reached the threshold of 35 nominations, having been 'lent' nominations from MPs who did not support him but were persuaded to nominate him by grassroots members and Campaign Group MPs. Margaret Beckett described this change as "unprecedented". SKWAWKBOX needs your help. Not forgetting the ubiquitous, thank you for your service, mantra. [50], Corbyn outlined an anti-austerity domestic agenda and an international agenda opposed to military intervention. [54] Margaret Beckett was one of those who nominated Corbyn despite disagreeing with him, and later described herself as a "moron" for doing so. It is the funding model that makes me most uncomfortable. [33], During his time as Leader Neil Kinnock moved the Labour party to adopt centrist politics. Hes alright, too. TWT22 // Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally Portugals PM Costa stuns with majority win in snap election Our preference is likely for a new legal structure if Lloyd is able to administer but wed likeopinions on this. Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Statement - Labour Outlook Off topic.. Not only do the PTB want to slowly poisonous all, but they are using falsehoods to do so: The following clips from a letter sent to Boris Johnson by two scientists regarding the Governments intention to fluoridate the water supply are self-explanatory: Further to our letter dated 5th September 2021, we have not yet received any acknowledgement of its receipt or any reply from your office despite it being sent by recorded delivery. The SCG MPs called for the party to unite behind the implementation of the EHRCs recommendations, and stressed the importance of the labour movement coming together to take the fight to the Tories in the face of the pandemic. [40], John Smith won the electoral college vote against Gould with 91% of the vote. Socialist Campaign Group MPs John McDonnell and Diane Abbott both sought nominations to run; however, McDonnell withdrew from the race after it became clear he would not receive sufficient nominations, and instead supported Abbott to give her the best chance of making it onto the ballot. Kate Osamor MP If youd like to help it keep revealing the news as it is and not what the Establishment wants you to hear and can afford to without hardship pleaseclick hereto arrange a one-off or modest monthly donation via PayPal orhereto set up a monthly donation via GoCardless (SKWAWKBOX will contact you to confirm the GoCardless amount). Originally called the Gay Labour Group, [3] the purpose of this organisation is to campaign within the Labour Party and wider Labour movement to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ( LGBT) peoples, and to encourage members of the LGBT community to support the Labour Party. With people facing the deepest attack on living standards in decades, we urgently need to build an alternative to the soaring energy bills, pay cuts, food poverty and housing insecurity faced by millions. And the group sees its identity as new left, presumably to separate itself from the old left of union activism and a focus on the working class: Who are we? A group of 11 new left MPs and an MSP. In order to be part of the organising space for decision making in phase one you mustagree to the principles above and make a monetary contribution towards its organisation. When the result of the referendum was announced Corbyn's opponents on the right and centre of the Parliamentary Labour Party sought to trigger a leadership election on the grounds that they did not think he had campaigned sufficiently vigorously for Remain. The Socialist Campaign Group ( SCG ), also known as the Campaign Group, is a left-wing, democratic socialist grouping of Labour Party Members of Parliament in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom . Pauline Bryan They couldnt give a fuck. [67] Campaign Group members Rebecca Long-Bailey and Richard Burgon ran for leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party respectively. It was at a meeting of the Campaign Group in June 2015 that the decision was taken that Jeremy Corbyn would contest for the leadership of the Labour Party. Richard Burgon MP The rule that shadow cabinet MPs could not be group members caused difficulties, and this rule was removed, allowing the group to recover to 23 members by 2019.[28]. Hopefully on the right side of history. ", "The BBC's obsession with balance took Labour off-air during the referendum campaign", "Media coverage of the EU Referendum (report 5)", "Labour crisis: how the coup against Jeremy Corbyn gathered pace", "Labour MPs prepare for leadership contest after Corbyn loses confidence vote", "Corbyn re-elected as Labour leader with bigger landslide than last year", "Socialist Campaign Group has reformed for 20192024. . As a clear grouping, it emerged in Parliament from members of the left-wing Tribune Group who did not support Tony Benn's 1981 deputy leadership bid. Get the blasters out and dance workers, dance. Get your popcorn in. Gabbard is another one. News, politics, insights, inside information from the left. London: Macmillan. It brought to an end a decades-long, Angela Rayner has declared that evidence presented by the privileges committee is absolutely damning for Boris Johnson after, Huq regains whip following suspension for calling Kwarteng superficially Black, The Mo Mowlam cinematic arts studio is a fitting tribute to her remarkable life, Rayner: Privileges committee evidence absolutely damning for Johnson, Labour warned relationship with trans people could be irreversibly fractured, Labours parliamentary selection process is under scrutiny for good reason, Our rolling list of Labour parliamentary candidate selections, Exclusive: Byrne files official notification over alleged intimidation, Book review: Out of the Blue by James Heale and Harry Cole, LabourList relies on the support of its readers please donate. One member of the group told Skwawkbox that setting it up did not constitute a split of the the existing left MPs group, but did not respond when asked to confirm that this meant there was no intention to leave the SCG. Which we duly did! The MPs wrote: The Equality and Human Rights Commision report ought to have been an important moment for the Labour Party to reflect and move forward together in battle against antisemitism. Ian Lavery MP Corbyn spoke at 15 rallies from London to Hastings to Aberdeen, reached more than 10 million people with his Remain messages on social media, made six statements in the Commons and put forward Remain arguments during interviews on Sky, BBC, ITV and Channel 4. [71] The document outlines a socialist, internationalist and democratic agenda and starts by listing the rights that members thought out to be fought for: "WE BELIEVE: That there should be certain rights which must be won and maintained: We need a campaign for peace and disarmament in Europe, and for an end to the arms trade throughout the world and for a new international economic order which will start to reverse the transfer of wealth from the poorest to the richest. [2] Corbyn was immediately nominated by Campaign Group MPs including John McDonnell (who became chair of his campaign), Diane Abbott, Ronnie Campbell, Kelvin Hopkins, Michael Meacher, Dennis Skinner, Richard Burgon, Clive Lewis and Cat Smith. The squawking one claims: I remember my Mum and Gran always having some in the kitchen during my childhood (near Oldham so looks like we are both Lancastrians and like you I am retired but not decommisioned!). Corbyn-supporting MPs discussed quitting Labour, Ian Lavery says It would be accurate, at least. Mr Loach announced his exclusion from the party through Twitter on Saturday. LabourList has been told that the new group includes Labour backbenchers Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Clive Lewis, Nadia Whittome, Rachael Maskell, Dawn Butler and Kim Johnson, and frontbenchers Sam Tarry and Olivia Blake. [22], Socialist Campaign Group MPs Jeremy Corbyn and Tam Dalyell, along with Tony Benn, (who had been in the Socialist Campaign Group until he stood down as an MP at the 2001 General Election) were among the most high profile of the initial sponsors of the Stop the War Coalition at the meeting on 21 September 2001, along with figures such as Tariq Ali, Harold Pinter, Andrew Murray and Lindsey German, who became the convenor of Stop the War. The 2015 Leadership Election was the first held under new rules introduced by Ed Miliband following the Collins Review which recommended moving to a one-member one vote (OMOV) system.